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New Town Offices Committee 2008/06/10
Draft Minutes: June 10, 2008
Approved: June 24, 2008
June 10, 2008
Members Present: Don Metz, Frank Bowles, Jay Smith, Mike Woodard, Judy Brotman
The meeting was officially opened at 8:00 am by Co-Chair Frank Bowles.
1 The minutes of June 3, 2008 were approved.
2 Don reported that the oil tank was removed last week. Harper Environmental was on site, and reported that some oil had leaked, contaminating the surrounding soil. They stated that this was not unusual for buried tanks. There are three options for the site: leave as it is, remove the contaminated soil, or install monitoring wells. A written report is expected in one or two weeks, along with a directive as to which site option is recommended. Michael will check with Andrew (Harper) on the timing of the report and recommendations.
3 Don reported that Ray is proceeding with the removal of materials from the old barn.
4 Simon reported that the House and Senate have passed the legislation.
5 Simon reported that the bond paperwork is finalized and on its way to the bond bank.
6 At this point, closing can occur anytime. Presently, it is tentatively scheduled for July 15th , although it could occur as early as June 30th. Simon will check with the Town’s attorney on several closing-related items.
7 Michael will contact the Leila Pike house tenant concerning a new lease – 1 year terms, same rent as this year.
8 Michael will be in contact with Ray concerning the water rights issue. Margaret Jacobs is the attorney preparing the deed and other transfer documents on behalf of Ray.
9 Don will meet with Tim Estes to finalize the Estes & Gallap contract, and to work on finalizing the project costs.
10 The Bond Bank won’t have the bond monies available until July 17th, but they will set a rate next Tuesday (June 17th).
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 am.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ JLSB
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman
The next meeting will be held in two weeks, on June 24th, 8 am at the Fire Station Training Room