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New Town Offices Committee 2008/04/08
Draft Minutes: April 8, 20008
Approved: April 15, 2008
APRIL 8, 2008
Members Present: Frank Bowles, Simon Carr, Don Metz, Jay Smith, Mike Woodard, Judy Brotman
The meeting was officially opened at 8 am by Co-Chair Frank Bowles.
1. The minutes of April 1, 2008 were approved.
2. Don and Frank reported on their discussions with the Police Department concerning the department’s space and layout requirements. The area as shown on the latest revision will be the overall dimension of the space allocated to the department. Don and Frank with continue discussions with the P.D. with respect to resolving the entry issue and the internal layout of the offices. In that regard, Schemes #1, 3 and 4 are viable options.
3. Don asked for a volunteer to fill out the Lyme Foundation Grants Committee application. It is due ASAP. Mike agreed to complete the form and return it to the Foundation’s Grants Committee (c/o Dan Lynch). The committee discussed possible grant requests, and resolved to request $25,000 for the Heritage Vault suppression system, $25,000 for the vault filing system, and $25,000 for new furnishings. Don and Frank are scheduled to meet with the Foundation Board on may 6, 2008.
4. Frank presented a draft RFP (Request for Proposals) for Construction Management Services. The Committee revised the draft’s proposed project schedule to indicate an RFP response by April 25th, with interviews scheduled for April 29th and 30th. CM selection to be finalized by the Board of Selectmen at their May 2nd meeting. The RFP will be sent to Domus, G.R.Porter, and Estes & Gallup.
5. Don updated the committee on his discussions with Ray Clark. Ray has agreed to remove the contents of the barn as soon as possible. Don will continue discussions with Ray concerning the demolition of the barn and the relocation of the Recreate shop.
6. From the “To Do” list –
A new septic pump has been installed and the septic tank has been pumped.
Sandy Kelsey does not feel the need to shock the water well. Don and Frank will review the results of the water test before making a recommendation about the need for shocking the well.
Mike will proceed with plans to get the buried oil tank removed and a new-to-us tank relocated outside the north side of the Recreate shop. The Town’s highway personnel and equipment can be used to remove the tank.
Mike will utilize Harpen Enviornmental for the closure report.
7. The committee briefly discussed several entrance options for the Town Clerk/Treasurer Office and the Administrative Office. No decisions were made as to any entrance options. Conceptually, the committee agreed with two small meeting rooms in the Administrative Offices wing.
The meeting adjourned at 9:06 am.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ JLSB
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman
*The next meeting will be at 8 am on Tuesday, April 15, at the fire station meeting room.