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Heritage Commission Minutes 2011/10/25
October 25, 2011

PRESENT: Simon Carr, Ray Clark, Jane Fant, Adair Mulligan, regular members
ABSENT: Charlotte Furstenberg; Tim Cook and Laurie Wadsworth, alternates.

1.      Minutes of the September meeting: approved on a motion by Simon, seconded by Adair.

2.      Lyme Foundation Grant: Received a total of $4,000; $2000 toward the $10,500 project with promise that we could          request another $2000 when we had raised a total of $8500. Adair had made a presentation to the grants committee.               They suggested a publication based on the findings that could be sold to help defray costs. Simon thought this not              appropriate for a town commission, although the Historians might be able to use some of the information gathered for a          future publication. The Foundation committee was very interested in involving students and asked that a program be            given at the school; Adair offered to do this. They asked whether a Dartmouth student could be involved to help reduce  costs; Adair answered that such a person would need a complete background in historic architecture of northern New      England, and that the inventory needed to be done by a single well-trained eye.

3.      Fund-raising: Went into non-public session on a motion by Simon under RSA 91-A:3 II(c) to have a discussion of possible         donors to the project.

                a.      Out of non-public session. Lyme Historians have pledged $1000, leaving a total of $5,500 to be raised                           privately. Agreed that fund-raising should start in January, and include a case statement of what the                           commission’s project expects to create, with an example based on Laurie Wadsworth’s house. Should                                format using the town logo to be sure people understand it is for a town project, not a private project, and                    use attractive font. Town treasurer will hold the funds on behalf of the commission.

4.      Next steps with consultant: Adair will alert Liz Hengen of our progress, and ask her to pencil Lyme in for the spring; will     also ask for fund-raising ideas and her advice about when to meet in the winter.

5.      Tax Card: Simon will finish polishing the information gleaned from the town tax records, which show 271 properties (the         condos counted separately).

6.      Inventory questionnaire:  need to create something to send to property owners. Adair will check on cellar hole project’s        similar form to see if it can be adapted, and bring it to the next meeting.

7.      Including Arts in Master Plan chapter: Agreed that it should be in a separate part of the master plan.

8.      Next meeting: Tuesday, November 22. Agreed not to hold a December meeting, as it will be too close to the holidays.

Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Adair Mulligan, secretary pro-tem