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Heritage Commission Minutes 2011/07/25

July 25, 2011
PRESENT: Adair Mulligan, Ray Clark, Jane Fant, Charlotte Furstenberg regular members; Tim Cook , alternate; Carl Schmidt, Orford
ABSENT: Laurie Wadsworth, alternate, Simon Carr, Select person
1.        Minutes:  The minutes of the June 28 meeting were approved.
2.        Jane reported that she had not yet been able to talk with Elise but would keep trying.
3.        Survey of Historic Resources:
       a. Carl Schmidt discussed Orford’s experience conducting a survey of historic resources in 1997.  The Orford Historical Society received a partnership grant of $2,000 from the Connecticut River Joint Commission to conduct a survey of historic structures. The goal of the grant was to produce a brochure and presentation on the  history of Orford through architecture. The historical society hired Elizabeth Hengen (ehengen, (603) 225-7977) who conducted a windshield survey using a 911 map of Orford and gave a presentation to the town. The survey included houses, barns, cemeteries and stone walls. The historical society developed their own inventory form which was completed for each structure. Approximate date and architectural style was provided by the consultant. Homeowners provided other relevant information. Photographs were taken of each structure by high school students under the supervision of an adult photographer. The brochure was written by Marc White with the help of high school students and a couple of Rivendell teachers. The photographs, inventory sheet and other relevant information is stored in paper files at the Orford Social Library. Information from the survey was used to update of Orford’s master plan but is seldom used otherwise. The only thing Carl thought they would do differently was to eliminate the sketch which was often misunderstood.
       b. Following Carl’s presentation, the board discussed ways to involve the Lyme school in the project, possible uses of the survey information including ways to make it available to town boards and to the public, ways to finance hiring a consultant, and the pros and cons of paper and/or electronic storage of the information. Charlotte agreed to talk to David Robbins about uses and storage issues. Adair agreed to talk to Liz Hengen about the types of services she could provide and their costs. Ray agreed to talk to the Lyme Foundation about funding for the project.
4.        Historic/Cultural Resources Chapter of the Master Plan: A number of minor changes were made. Jane will make the changes and send it on to the Planning Board.
5.        Next meeting: Tuesday, August 23, 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Furstenberg