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Energy Committee Minutes 2007/12/18
Lyme Energy Committee
December 18, 2007

Present:  Matthew Brown, Tina Cullenberg, Carola Lea co-chair, Sue MacKenzie
co-chair, Dan O’Hara
Guest:  Mike Morton
Absent:  Tom Hunton, Claudia Kern, Charles Ragan Selectman Representative, Shirley Tullar, Gary Phetteplace, Rebecca Lovejoy

Minutes of the November meeting were approved as written

1.      Carbon Challenge:  Sue
a.      What:  Frank Gould was present at the Carbon Challenge in November and was motivated to further action.
b.      Action:  a gathering for Carbon Challenge education
c.      Who:  Frank Gould in charge     
d.      When:  Saturday,  March 6,  7:00 PM

2.      Stella’s Restaurant formerly known as Nichols Hardware-  Matt update
a.      What:   discussion with Matt, Scott Nichols, Tom Hunton and Bob Coyle re: water heating at Stella’s
b.      Matt ran pipes for future solar hot water panels to be placed on roof.
c.      FW Webb materials indicate increased expense for both radiant heating and water use
d.      Who:  Matt to keep us informed
e.      When:  ongoing

3.      Hot water use at school-  Matt
a.      What:  discussion with Matt Curt Shepherd, plumber, Tom Hunton regarding new boilers for school using Veseman panels.
b.      Action:  LEC might encourage water heating system at school
c.      Who:  Matt, Tom &Co.
d.      When:  ongoing

4.      Three exemptions in property tax-  Matt
a.      What:  Michael Hinsley spoke with Matt re: exemptions for property tax which include wood heating, wind (not reliable in this area), solar energy system
Exemptions also included for the blind and veterans but NO exemption identified for use of renewable resources.  Discussed logistics for putting a warrant article for exemptions on agenda for Town Meeting
b.      Action:  A warrant article for solar energy use only will be drawn up;  Mike to talk with assessor to determine increase or decrease in tax
c.      Who:  Matt and Mike Hinsley;  Matt to discuss with Selectmen Simon Carr or Charles Ragan
d.      When:  by deadline of warrant articles due in January

5.      Time of LEC meeting-  all
a.      It is easier for several members to begin at 7:30, rather than 7:00.
b.      Action:  Change meeting time to 7:30  
c.      Who:  all
d.      When:  beginning January, 2008

6.      Lyme Inn recently purchased by Pippin Family with financial backing of
Dr. Peter Williamson, a major donor to the wood pellet boiler at town garage; renovations are planned
a.      What:  inn would benefit from solar powered hot water
b.      Action:  facilitate discussions/education re: solar hot water
c.      Who:  Sue to talk to JJ Pippin
d.      When:  ASAP

7.      Amory Lovins of Rocky Mountain Intitute is coming to the Upper Valley
a.      What:  might he come to Lyme with invitations to other towns?
b.      Action:  inquire as to schedule of Amory Lovins in the Upper Valley
c.      Who:  Carola
d.      When: report by next meeting

8.      Minutes of meetings
a.      What: it was suggested that this task be shared by committee members alternating;  also suggested that this NOT be the chair
b.      Action:  Tina to attend and orient folks to procedure of taking minutes and reporting to town offices by email via Elise Garrity.(
c.      Who:  Tina
d.      When:  next meeting

Next meeting- (third Monday of the month) January 21  7:30-8:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg
Out- going secretary