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Energy Committee Minutes 2007/01/22
Lyme Energy Committee
January 22, 2007

Present: Tina Cullenberg, Tom Hunton, Denis Kelem, Carola Lea, Sue MacKenzie, John Stadler

The January meeting was postponed due to weather therefore we met at the home of Tina Cullenberg on this date as the Academy Building was unavailable.

Old Business:
1.      No idling-  John
a.      What:  according to a statement presented by John, the Hanover Select Board has asked a group of citizens now known as the Climate Protection Campaign (CPC) to recommend actions for the town to cut energy use and carbon emissions within the Cool Cities program.
b.      Action: it was recommended that we help to raise the awareness of Lyme citizens of the importance of no idling on the Lyme listserve; to develop posters and obtain magnetic window decals to distribute in Lyme where cars are frequently left “idling.”
c.      Who:  John
d.      When:  by the next meeting

2.      Energy audit- Tom
a.      What:  The energy audit was done of the Converse Library by PSNH; Tom was present
b.      Action:  Report by PSNH is pending
c.      Who:  Tom to bring back this report
d.      When:  by the next meeting

3.      New Town Office-  Tom
a.      What:  Lyme Town Offices Building Committee have researched since July 2005, the appropriate location for this project.  Tom has represented LEC for several months.
b.      Action:  Public hearing to be held at the school
c.      Who:  by the selectmen and the building committee for all citizens
d.      When:  Wednesday, January 31, 2007

4.      Carbon Coalition-  Sue
a.      What:  A warrant to see if the town will go on record in support of effective actions by the President and the Congress to address the issue of climate change which is increasingly harmful to the environment and economy of New Hampshire and to the future well being of the people of Lyme.
b.      Action:  present warrant to the town for resolution at the 2007 annual meeting
c.      Who:  Sue  and members of the Conservation Commission to present resolution
d.      When:  Town meeting in March, 2007

5.      Biodiesel for town vehicles
a.      What:  Discuss possibilities for Lyme           
b.      Action:  Bob Walker to attend next meeting
c.      Who:  Bob Walker and committee
d.      When:  next meeting

New Business:  none

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

Next meeting:  Monday, February 12, 2007 at 7:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg
Secretary, LEC