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Energy Committee Minutes 2006/09/17

Lyme Energy Committee
September 17, 2006

Present:  Tina Cullenberg, Denis Kelemen, Carola Lea, John Stadler

The August meeting lacked a quorum.  Formal minutes were not taken.

Old Business:

1.      10% challenge- tabled
2.      No idling- tabled
3.      Tire pressure- tabled
4.      Global Warming Action Kit- tabled
5.       Disposal of CFLs- Denis
a.      Great article explaining appropriate disposal of fluorescent lights presented
b.      Action: all agreed that the information should be submitted to the Lyme Church Newsletter for the community
c.      Who:  Denis
d.      By next deadline:  October 9, 6:00 PM
6.       Flea Market-  Denis and Carola
a.      Finalized plans
b.      Tables and chairs on the green- Denis   
Light suitcase- Carola
Light board comparing energy requirements of incandescent vs.        fluorescent lights- Denis
Call for catalogues and meter from PSNH- John
Pick-up- Denis
Contact Tom Hughes and Laura Brannen to see if they could help- Carola
c.      Who- as noted
d.      By Saturday, September 30, 7:30 AM
7.       Pamphlet for applicants of building permits providing energy saving suggestions-  Carola
a.      Completed and looks great!  
b.      25 copies to be ordered and to be included at Flea Market table
c.      Who- Carola
d.      By time of Flea Market, September 30

New Business:  none

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Next meeting is the third Monday of the month, October 16.  

Respectfully submitted,
Tina Cullenberg, Secretary for LEC

Denis to pick up the light suitcase and Carola will meet him at the Green at 7:00 the morning of the Flea Market.