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Energy Committee Minutes 2006/07/17
Lyme Energy Committee
Minutes  July 17, 2006

Present:  Tina Cullenberg, Tom Hunton, Claudia Kern, Carola Lea, Sue MacKenzie, John Stadler
The minutes of the June 19, 2006 meeting were approved by email.
Old Business:
1.      !0% Challenge:  Hanover has accepted the challenge of becoming a “cool city”    
a.      Claudia volunteered to connect with Bob Walker about this project and to learn more
b.      Action:  report back
c.      Who:  Claudia
d.      By next meeting
2.       No idling- tabled
3.       Tire Pressure- Sue
a.      The internet has a wealth of information, including tire pressure information that would be great to share in the Church Newsletter.  A testimonial was received by postcard from Dorf Sears as to the merits of driving at 55 mph. We could solicit energy saving tips from the town for creative ways of saving energy in our car and homes.
b.      Action:  submit newsletter article
c.      Who: Sue
d.      By next newsletter deadline:  August 14 (second Monday of the month).
4.      New Town Office- Tom    
a.      Town is looking at three properties- Tom is LEC representative.
i.      New building on Rt.10; land donated by Bayne Stevenson
 – could have hiking trails
ii.     Nichols Hardware building- would prevent sprawl by keeping the town business in the village; would use fewer resources with established building; has two sides already devoted to parking by post office and bank
iii.    Tuckaway site
b.      Continue to monitor and advise
c.      Tom to follow
d.      Report at next meeting
5.       Energy Audit-
a.      Miscommunications have impeded progress but it is coming along; Betsy Eaton is welcoming an audit at the library
b.      Monitor the discussion
c.      Tom to follow
d.      Report to next meeting
6.      Pamphlet for applicants of building permits providing energy saving suggestions-  Carola and John
a.      Rather than date it would add “First Edition 2006”;  Claudia has additional green building resources for the back page
b.      Ready for printing at Gnoman Copy- 50 copies; Additional resources to be included
c.      Who:  Claudia to send info to John; Carola to have them printed.
d.      When: by next meeting
7.       Property Tax
a.      We are trying to get language from other towns; gathering information
b.      Action:  present to Selectboard when we have the information gathered
c.      Who:  Carola
d.      When:  report back next meeting
8.      Disposal of Household CFLs.
a.      Reviewed information provided by Denis (thank you!) in separate handout which indicates that the risk is minimal, one should dispose responsibly, True Value in Hanover is an option for their customers
b.      Action:  To clarify our plan we need to determine what is True Values stand as a commercial enterprise for receiving consumers CFLs?  Would the Transfer Station accept CFLs?  Are there other options not discussed?  We hope top hear more about proper disposal of CFLs.
c.      Who:   Denis
d.      When:  at next meeting
9.      Flea Market- Sept. 30 (last Saturday of the month)
a.      Should include the light suitcase, meter, wind turbine,  water pump; will need table and chairs
b.      Action:  To be discussed further                
c.      Who:  commitment to be present from John, Sue, Carola, Tina     
d.      When:  finalize next meeting
New Business:
Global Warming Action Kit
a.      Claudia brought five pages describing ways to calculate our household carbon footprint she designed and were used by her church.  We discussed whether these should be placed in the Newsletter vs. the Website.  She offered to change them to PDF files with appropriate changes for the Town of Lyme and submit them to the LEC website.  It seems the time is right for tapping motivated people following the viewing of An Inconvenient Truth.
b.      Action:  1) Claudia to send the modified PDF files to Carol Bont in the town office for the web page.  2) Will include a note in the newsletter article alerting readers to the Website addition
c.      Who:  1) Claudia,  2) Sue
d.      When:  at her earliest convenience before the next meeting
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Next meeting is the third Monday of the month, August 21.
Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg, Secretary for LEC