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Energy Committee Minutes 2006/03/20
Lyme Energy Committee
March 20, 2006
7 PM- 8:30PM

Present:  Matt Brown, Tina Cullenberg, Tom Hunton, Claudia Kern, Carola Lea,
Sue McKenzie  

Minutes of the February meeting were approved as written.

Our Co-chairperson Claudia is stepping down and Sue has agreed to co-lead our committee at this time with Carola.  Claudia was warmly thanked for her hard work and devotion.  Sue’s leadership and energy will be most appreciated by all.

1.      Revisit 10% Challenge-  tabled in absence of John Stadler

2.      Tire pressure awareness day:

a.      Discussion:  would raise awareness of gas saved, engage community, could be fund raiser for 8th grade by checking and filling tires; would need to have approval of town garage, recycling committee and 8th grade.
b.      Action:   1. check with town garage for use of compressor; if approved
2.  call recycling committee; if approved, 3. call Webbs as 8th                                                 grade parents
c.      Who:  1.  Sue  2.  Carola  3.  Tina
d.      When: before next meeting

3.      No idling campaign- tabled in absence of John

4.      Grant request for lunch counter management at Nichols Hardware X2 weeks -  Matt Brown
a.      Nichols Hardware is to be liquidating merchandise by March 31, building is for sale; Nichols will focus on HS TARM business.  Lunch counter will be lost as community treasure.  Matt and Jim Graham would like to pay tribute to the passing of this institution and invite public to do so as well by providing light breakfasts for 2 wks.  Perhaps Lyme Foundation would assist.
Lyme Historians might be a more appropriate connection.
                 b.  Action:  Recommend contact with Lyme Historians and Adair Mulligan
c.      Who:  Matt
                 d.  When:  ASAP

5.      New Town Office Building project
a.      Discussion: Town office could be the first green municipal building in NH; Pete Bleyler would like to have LEC member sit on committee tomorrow night.
b.      LEC should have representation from the beginning of this project.
c.      Action:  Attend meeting at Fire Station, Tuesday, March 21, 7:00; write letter to encourage green building as planning begins ASAP.
d.      Who:  Sue and Tom to attend tomorrow night; Claudia to write letter
e.      When:  tomorrow night; letter ASAP

6.      PSNH Free audits:  Tom  
a.      Discussion:  free energy audit for all buildings over one day; select board approval is needed
b.      Decision:  need place on agenda at Selectmen’s meeting to request approval;  ask for dates of PSNH
c.      Action:  LEC representative to attend selectmen’s next meeting, then contact PSNH for dates.
d.      Who:  Tom
e.      When:  within two weeks; report back next meeting

7.      Old Business-
Pamphlet for building permit applicants
a.      Discussion:  should include information from SERG, Energy Star, New England Sustainable Energy Industry Association (NESEIA); format for pamphlet will flow from the information gathered
b.      Decision:  good idea    
c.      Action: make up prototype by next meeting
d.      Who:  Carola
e.      When:  by next meeting

Next months agenda:  April 17, 2006  Academy Building

   1.  10% challenge
   2. Tire Pressure Awareness
   3.  No Idling
   4.  New Town office Project  
    5.  PSNH Free Audits
   6.  Pamphlet for building Permits  

Meeting adjourned:  8:25 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg, Secretary