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Energy Committee Minutes 2005/12/19
Lyme Energy Committee
December 19, 2005

Present:  Tina Cullenberg, Tom Hunton, Denis Kelem, Claudia Kern, Carola Lea, Sue MacKenzie

Old Business:
Proposed budget:        
·       Asked for $700;  received $200
·       Frank has submitted information on rebates from PSNH to upgrade lighting in town garage to Pete Bleyler.
Annual Report- reviewed, approved as changed

New Business:
Vicky Davis forwarded  Green Building information from a state conference she recently attended, of interest were-
        -when application for building permit received could issue energy brochure
-info on NH RSA 72:61-72 for property tax rebate for wood and wind energy use; Tom to check out
Report from Tom on Energy Audit of School
        -spoke to Mike who does maintenance for both Lyme School and library
·       has electric hot water tank:  30 gallons, on demand; is not adequate
·       Has T8 bulbs;  would T5 bulbs make a big difference?
·       T12 bulbs throughout
·       Lights on all day
·       Obvious priority

Proposal for library:
·       Motion sensors
·       Check on rebates from PSNH for library and offices
·       Suggest lighting contractor make bid (go to Library Trustees)
·       Tom to check windows with Mike
Denis suggested either replacing or add storm windows

Brainstorming for future goals of LEC-  remainder of meeting; summary to be sent to and reviewed by Tom and Claudia;  vote by all at next meeting.

Next meeting January 23 (fourth Monday due to conflict on third)
Respectfully submitted,  

Tina Cullenberg