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Energy Committee Minutes 2005/08/15
August 15, 2005

Present Tina Cullenberg, Denis Kelemen, Claudia Kern, John Stadler

Minutes of the July meeting were approved by email.

1.      Preparation for September Flea Market
a.      Suitcase of light bulbs- John
b.      Box of eleven bulbs was sent from PSNH including a dimmable bulb
c.      Consensus was to not use coupon to Home Depot for bulb goods, so as not to confuse the focus
d.      Responsibilities:
i.      Claudia to ask husband Phil about cutting slots into foam insert to suitcase for bulbs
ii.     Tina to ask about electricity at Flea Market and ask about use of table and chairs from church
iii.    John to check on responsible disposal of CFLs (should include this info with table)
iv.     Claudia to ask Betsy Eaton if spot can be found in library for available check out of suitcase
v.      Claudia to offer Sue a triptych for displaying info on table
vi.     Tina to put LEC item in Church Newsletter alerting to table comparing incandescent vs. fluorescent bulbs at upcoming Flea Market

2.      Denis-  wind turbine should be moved from school to the skiway
a.      Should not be on Smarts Mtn. due to the Appalachian Trail and no infrastructure of power lines
b.      Skiway is convenient for read out in the top hut according to Doug Holler
c.      Phone line is also there.
Interest in field trip to turbines of Searsburg, VT noted: (take Rt. 9 to Rt. 8)

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20.

Next meeting scheduled Monday,  September 19.

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg