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Energy Committee Minutes 2005/06/20
June 20, 2005

Present:  Matt Brown, Tina Cullenberg, Denis Kelemen, Claudia Kern, Carola Lea, Sue MacKenzie, John Stadler

Minutes of the May meeting were approved by email.

1.  Accepted Denis’ six month report to the Northeast Utilities Service Co. for the Spring Environmental Community Grant.  This was awarded to fund the Wind Energy Project of the Lyme Energy Committee for the Lyme School.
2.  Matt, as representative to the Fuel Club from the LEC, was unable to attend the Fuel Club meeting.  No report.

3.  Fire Dept.- John and Matt
Michael Hinsley-  recommends a formal energy audit to show areas for energy savings;  not sure fire house is priority in terms of town municipal buildings
        -the firehouse building could last 12-15 years
-has tried to upgrade the building as it is but not sure if other changes would be practical
        -has used an infrared camera to see leaking heat (a very sophisticated model)
-will ask Bob Walker about an audit on all town buildings (as done for Haven, Headrest)
-Police Chief states air quality with exhaust fumes in office is poor; requests ventilation to improve air quality, such as air conditioner

4.  Audit of all town buildings by LEC- Tom, Matt and John looked
-need to determine on square footage basis what town pays for heating
-Frank B to address lighting issues with PSNH upgrades on town lights

5.  Brainstorming- LEC has a mandate to educate the community
        -Energy Fair- photo voltaic systems, radiant floors, wood boilers
        -Booth at the Flea Market
        -Old Home Days or similar activity in fall
-Home Tours- email List Serve for categories home owners would be                                                                          willing to share (radiant floor heating, wood pellet boilers, etc.)
        -Bio-diesel shuttle
        -Energy Star program
        - Suit case of various sizes bulbs to be checked out from library
-Information sheet:  appropriate/inappropriate use of florescent bulbs  (if used 10 hrs/month only it may not be worth the cost)
Following brainstorming Claudia felt strongly that we should commit to the House Tour in Spring!

6.  Assignments for next meeting:
·       Sue- to look for table items to be used at last Flea Market in September such as Energy Star appliance catalogues, PSNH/bulb catalogues
·       Frank- to check lights
·       John- to talk to PSNH about donating bulbs for borrowing in library and about catalogue availability; talk to Tom about the municipal buildings
·       John, Matt and Tom- to determine heating requirements for all municipal buildings
·       Claudia – to call Bob Walker about an audit on all town buildings

Next Meeting- July 18
Closed the meeting at 8:30

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg