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Energy Committee Minutes 2005/04/18
Lyme Energy Committee   
April 18, 2005

Present:  Frank Bowles, Matt Brown, Tina Cullenberg, Claudia Kern, John Stadler

Also present:  Sue MacKenzie

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.  As an interested community member Sue MacKenzie was heartedly welcomed to our meetings.

New Business:
SERG Town Energy Committee Membership
·       Claudia brought copies of the explanation and membership form sent by Bob Walker.  A discussion followed of these services.   
·        Frank suggested that a thermal camera to measure the rate of infra red radiated from a building would help to determine the need for conservation (though they are costly).
·       Would Bob consider using a camera on the Lyme Fire House as a test case?
·       Claudia to ask Peter Bleyler if the town could make a commitment to do this.
·       Claudia to ask Bob  what the discount is for oil and propane?  Suggest that it be publicized earlier in summer for Fuel Club
Old Business:
Town Energy Audit- tabled; Tom not present
Lighting at Town Garage
·       Ventilation- a big fan blows out heat
·       Claudia to ask Pete Bleyler if the town would consider investigating public sources of electricity to pay for another kind of light bulb and fixture to save energy (T8  to   T5)
Wind Energy at Lyme School- Frank, Denis and Skip Pendleton
·       Models will be used to see how wind can move
·       Poster with pictures of turbines in Denmark and Germany to be used; will teach in April
·       Wind monitoring instrumentation at the school will be relocated to Skiway
·       John checked the World Wide Web:  Appalachian Mountain Club indicates that the roads and power lines create the biggest environmental impact.

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg