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Energy Committee Minutes 2005/02/21
February 21, 2005

Present:  Claudia Kern, Matt Brown, Pete Bleyler, Tom Hunton, Denis Kelemen

Old Business:  

Matt updated committee on Town Garage.  Tom Hunton moved and it was seconded by Denis Kelemen that we authorize payment out of remaining funds raised for the wood pellet project $349.93 to compensate Matt Brown for work on make-up air return and tile work related to boiler installations and to provide a consultant fee for Chris Hebbs, this amount not to exceed $200.  The motion passed unanimously.

Tom Hunton shared the graphs he has created on Lyme Town electricity consumption.  It is clear from the graphs, that the Fire Department building should be our top priority.  It was agreed that the next step for all the town facilities would be to create a similar report to look at fuel consumption/heating.  

It was also agreed that Tom would create a draft survey form to survey the users of the various buildings and to begin creating a template for conducting on-site audits.  Bob Walker and the Burlington, VT municipal audit were mentioned as resources and models.

We discussed the high energy use of the new garage and how we might go about encouraging energy conservation, and over time, recommend some conservation steps, i.e. motion detectors for lights, timer on thermostat, addressing ventilation issues before interior walls darken and discolor.

New Business:

Claudia reported that Kathy Waste, the editor of the Church newsletter would welcome regular “energy conservation tips” from the committee as a feature of the newsletter.  Claudia will take this on.

LEC was mentioned in the Sunday feature on the Thetford town lighting project featured recently in the Valley News.  Also, there was a great article by Nathaniel Brown on the wood pellet project.  

Compact fluorescent bulbs are now available online from NH Saves.  Claudia will see that this is advertised in the Church newsletter.

Legislation on Energy Renewables
Lloyd Nichols brought legislation introduced by House Rep. Charles Bass to support renewable energy.  It was agreed that it would be appropriate to write a letter from the committee describing the wood pellet project.  Denis Kelemen will write a draft for review.  Claudia will look into current status of legislation.

Next Meeting:  March 21, 2005