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Energy Committee Minutes 2004/11/15
Lyme Energy Committee Minutes
November 15, 2004
Lyme Center Academy Building
7:00 PM

Present:  Frank Bowles, Matt Brown, Tina Cullenberg, Tom Hunton, Denis Keleman, Carola Lea  

I.  Old Business:
        A.  Update on Town Facilities fundraising—Carola
                1.  Fund raising mailing went out after LEC met at Carola’s Oct 31
                2.  Currently received from this mailing per Dina Cutting-  $3000+!
                3.  Includes anonymous $1000 donation
4.  Matt- could this include money for  a timer on hot water heater  ($20 plus installation)?
        B.  Outdoor lighting in Lyme Center—Carola
                1.  Adair Mulligan has informally polled residents
a.  Most want the street light to be minimized (all night lighting through windows is not appreciated)
                        b.  Thetford did this and saved money
3.  Per Selectman Dick Jones  last years’ bill was $1600; this year’s bill was $5600!           
-  Tom  to inquire of Dina at Town Office and Dick  Jones  regarding bill difference
4.  Other lights to be considered  would include Dorchester and Acorn, Baker Hill Rd., Lyme Common
                5.  One fall reported outside Town Offices
                a.  Suggest Adair inquire if  fall was due to lighting
                b.  Has a motion detector been considered?
C.  Update on Wind Power-  Frank and Denis
        1.  Installed by Frank on top of Lyme School
2.  Unable to access information for students if installed at the skiway, as originally planned.
3.  Tom asked could the wind turbine be helpful in contributing to school electric bill?

II.     New Business
       A.  Lyme Center Church-
a.      Matt has talked with Bernie Balch regarding insulation under floor and inside of foundation
b.      Bernie and Jeff Snelling seem open to  input following Matt’s experience in planning for Town Garage.

       B.  What about utility costs for other town buildings?
1.  Carola to ask Dina about bills for last 12 months and last five years.
2.  Demand propane hot water heater vs electric heater on timer was  discussed

Meeting closed at 8:25

Next  meeting December 20th.

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg