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Energy Committee Minutes 2004/09/20
                                        Lyme Energy Committee Minutes
                                                September 20, 2004
                                         Lyme Center Academy Building
                                                        7:00 PM

Present:  Frank Bowles, Matt Brown, Tina Cullenberg, Claudia Kern, Carola Lea, Denis Keleman, John Stadler

I.  Minutes approved
II.  Old Business:
        A.  Wind Update- Denis
                1.  Instrumentation ordered and has arrived includes:
                        a.   Wind speed, direction, temperature, anemometer  
                        b.    Software to organize information collected
c.    Lithium cell battery were ordered for extreme cold weather functioning
d.      Bill to be submitted to Select board  for reimbursement from
                                PSNH grant.  Balance of cost will be met with personal                                  donations from both Denis and Frank
`                       e. Date of installation to be determined by volunteer availability        and weather. Doug Holler, manager of Dartmouth Skiway will supervise installation, probably week of Oct 11 when Frank is available to assist.

        2.  Lee Larsen interested in volunteering time to work with students
        3,  Skip Pendleton- science teacher should be invited to bring students                                                            to installation
                4.  Publicity/press release-  
                      a.  Frank to ask Marty Bowles  to write press release                                           for newspaper.
              b.  Try to get press photographe; good reason for having students                                                                                                                        
        B.  Pellet Update-  Matt
1.  Slab is poured for silo/pellet storage and framing is done- Matt with Doug Vogt
2.      The shortfall in funds currently is $1955.42 (not the figure reported
by Judy Brotman because Matt has done some of the concrete work as well at substantial savings,  but due to increase    in steel and other unforeseen costs it may be higher.
                3.  Insulation for above-ground concrete is still not included.
                4.  Budget and Highway Committees have met and ask that the                                     LEC take responsibility for funding shortfall with additional                                   fundraising if necessary.
                5.  Much discussion ensued.   The following statement was                       moved by Matt, seconded by Frank and approved by all                            unanimously :

        "that the Energy committee commit to raising up to $3000 for additional costs associated with the wood pellet boiler system for the Town Highway Garage beyond funds already raised; and that this be done with a short term fundraising event alongside a volunteer effort organized by the Energy Committee to insulate the interior of the building's concrete walls.  Details of this volunteer effort (if feasible) are to be worked out in cooperation with the Highway Garage building committee.

        C.  Town Energy Survey- tabled until next meeting

III.  New Business
        A.  Lyme Center Lighting-  tabled
        B.  Event Planning for Fall and Winter-  tabled

Meeting Adjourned 9:00 PM
Next meeting scheduled:  October 18, 2004  7:00PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg