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Energy Committee Minutes 2004/07/19
         Lyme Energy Committee
Minutes July 19, 2004
Lyme Center Academy Building

Present:  Matt Brown, Tina Cullenberg, Tom Hunton, Denis Keleman, Claudia Kern, Carola Lea   

I.  Old Business:
        A.  Update from Nichols-  Claudia
                -Lloyd met with several Forest Service Representatives from five                western states who are implementing a Fuel for Schools program          using wood heating.  They were very interested in wood and wood                 pellet boilers.  They will also be using wood fuel for Forest Service           buildings in that region.

        B.  PSNH Grant Update-  Denis
                1.  LEC was issued check for $725.00  from PSNH for school                      program with wind energy project with Lyme School
                2.  Frank Bowles-a new resident in Lyme,  has done research  stations           for wind, might have additional equipment to donate
                3.  Denis has drafted letter asking Dr. Andrew Friedland of Dartmouth's                 Environmental Studies, if student mentor for Lyme School would be               appropriate ( letter submitted for review with outline for wind                         energy project0
                4.  Lee Larson has offered to assist
                5.  Denis to draft article for Church Newsletter announcing grant and its                       purpose for the community

        C.  Biodiesel Car-              
                - Ames Byrd of Norwich to bring it over for Old Home Day this           Saturday and will have eneryg conservation materials available.
        D.  Lyme Town Garage- Matt
                1.    Cost to date                        $36,700    
                2.   Currently we had raised     $35,000 (for wood pellet add on)
                3.    $1700 short fall- due to cost of steel and concrete rising
                        Discussion ensued as to how LEC should address this                             obvious short fall
                4.  Matt pointed out that funds are available for insulation under the                  cement slab, but are lacking with a     3.5 ft uninsulated gap                           on one side  (something discussed early on in the project)
                5.  It was agreed that additional upgrade is important to be done if not                        economically feasible.  Therefore:
                                a.  It could be left without insulation (determine after a                                    winter what the heat loss would be)
                        OR      b.  It should be part of the over all short fall/debt

                        LEC will not seek to raise additional funds but will facilitate the                     process.   
        E..  Lyme Website- tabled until next meeting

        F.  Fuel Club-
                1.  Bob Walker talked to Those Guys who expressed interest in                 helping to do energy audits
                2.  Lyme pre-registered home owners- about 50 (133 total so far)
                3.  Next step is to complete energy survey
                4.  Send out reminder message on list serv
                5.  Bob is working on how to structure the pricing for follow-up audits

II.  New Business- tabled until next meeting
        A.  Library Resource- what next?
        B.  NH Saves Catalogue distribution
        C.  Book Group?  
                The Heat is On by Ross Getson
                Red Sky at Morning by JG Speth
        D.  Develop age-appropriate curricula packages for Lyme School to use in                                                                conjunction with a field trip to wood pellet boiler in winter or spring???
        E.  Spring Home Tour?

Next meeting:  August 16, 7:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned  8:40  PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg