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Energy Committee Minutes 2004/06/22
From: Carola Lea []
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 11:26 AM
Subject: LEC minutes

Hi Elise,

I wrote these as Tina Cullenberg was away.  I'll send you the other LEC stuff in a separate email. For some reason today my computer won't send the minutes as an enclosure,


Minutes for 6/15/04 meeting at the Lyme Center Academy Building
Present: Claudia Kern, Carola Lea, Tom Hunton, Matt Brown, Pete Bleyler. Absent: Laura and Barney Brannen, Tina Cullenberg. Guest: Ruth Bleyler.

Old Business
 Report on Town Garage-- given by Matt Brown, who has regularly                         attended the meetings.
                Matt reported that last Friday parts were ordered that showed a                  definite commitment to the wood pellet system.
                Costs are higher than expected but we are within our budget; the                        Town probably won't be and we discussed options for                              dealing with  overbudget expenses.
                Adequate insulation may be too expensive. We discussed                          approaching some people who have expressed a willingness                    to contribute more to the garage, if needed.
                We all applauded Matt for the enormous time, energy and expertise                       he has committed to this project.
Report on Grant from PSNH, meeting with the Lyme School
                Pete Bleyler reported on his discussions with Denis Kelemen
                        The grant check should be made out to the Town
                        Perhaps it will be presented at a Selectmen's meeting
                Denis Kelemen had reported before the meeting that he is waiting to
                        hear from  PSNH about presentation of the Grant
                Matt, who met with Denis and Skip Pendleton, the Lyme School                    science teacher, reported that Skip is enthusiastic about the                   project and sees it as a future resource for the school.
                Claudia mentioned that it would be good to have a press release                         about the grant in the Valley News. Denis, would you be                         willing to arrange that?
Fuel Club
                Claudia apologized for "dropping the ball" about getting something in           the Church News about the Fuel Club. She explained                              he idea behind the Fuel Club.
                LEC  had voted to participate; the "hook" is that when a person joins                   the fuel club, he or she commits to signing up for an energy                    audit.
                "Those Guys" may perform the audits. Matt will see if Bob Walker,                       founder and director of SERG, could speak at the next                           Those Guys' meeting.
                The audits would be performed for a suggested donation
                 Tom Hunton volunteered to receive responses to a fuel club email                       that Claudia will email to Carola.
Committee structure/swearing in, etc.
                One by one committee members are getting sworn in,
New Business
                Change of meeting time--After considerable discussion we decided                to hold LEC meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month. Claudia                    will check with the Town.
Old Home Day--July 24th
                We discussed having  a biodesel car, or several of the hybrid cars in                   town in the parade. Carola will talk to Ames Byrd about the                             possibility of  including a biodiesel car,

Next  meeting date: Our new meeting time will be the third Monday of each month at 7:00 PM, Lyme Center Academy Building. That has been confirmed.

Respectfully submitted,

Carola Lea