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Energy Committee Minutes 2004/05/18
Lyme Energy Committee   
Minutes  May 18, 2004
7 PM, Academy Building

Present:  Matthew Brown, Tina Cullenberg,Claudia Kern, Carola Lea
Visitor:  Denis Kelemen, Bob Walker of  SERG- Vermont

Old Minutes approved.

I.  Old Business:
        A.  Thank you to all who wrote thank you notes organized by Carola
                Mary Cornwell           Allie Farrar
                Tina Cullenberg         Sue Hewitt
                Claudia Kern                    Carola Lea
                Margot Maccock          Betsy McCann
        B.  Town Garage Update:
                1.  Last Wednesday meeting of  Town Facilities Committee
                        -to determine $ needed for the roof including color, etc.
                        - Matt met with Bryant Lehr of     Conniston Contruction
                2.  Roof and steel framing will require $8900 (due to expense of                        steel)
                3.  Silo can be fit under roof after all
                4.  Fundraising goal was determined as follows:
                           $53,394     estimated cost of wood pellet heating system*
                            -24,380     propane heating system included in bond
                          -2,697      added from Capital Reserve Fund by amendment
                        26,317      Total cost of boiler to be raised from private                                              donations
                         +10,183        contingency**
                         $36,500       Total fundraising goal
                        *The cost estimate provided by Conniston Construction for two wood pellet boilers, three zones of radiant floor heating, a storage bin with a sindow for pellets and an auger delivery system for pellets.
                        **This contingency is intended to cover costs yet to be finalized for pellet storage and delivery system and additional energy-conservation enhancements.  Any unused funds will remain in the fund establisihed by the selectboard for this dundraising effort and will be aplied to the future operation of the wood pellet system.

                5.  Matt-  good communication among him, Lloyd and Bryant
                6.  It appears that the committee  represented by Matt and Nichols                      are getting more involved in the planning.

        B.  Lyme School Wind Project:
                1.  Grant proposal to  Northeast Utilities which own PSNH ( only                        covers a small area  of Lyme,  not including the Ski Way)
                2.  Discussed Denis Kelemen's proposal to install instrumentation                       designed to collect wind speed and other relevant data at the                   top of the Dartmouth Skiway, for an educational project in the                  Lyme School dealing with wind as an environmentally friendly                    energy source.
                3.  A grant application has been submitted to PSNH to cover the cost                    (about $800)
                4.  Doug Holler, manager of the Dartmouth Skiway, kindly agreed to                   to have such instrumentation installed during the next summer.

II.  New Business:
        A.  Bob Walker- SERG
                Bret Bourne-  handles web page for LEC/Town of Lyme
                Carol Bunt- needs info about LEC; Tina to call Carol
                Could we link it to SERG site?

        B.  Regional Energy Club-   SERG/Bob Walker
                1.  2004 was first year
                        Pratt Oil
                        $25 membership- must respond to survey
                        Home energy visit costs $100-120, this year will try to recoup                  some of this cost either by higher membership or by asking for                  donations as able
                2.  Meeting with Pratt:  would be willing to cover Lyme;  new prices to                         come out late June
                 3.  Of concern is logistics-  last year covered 82 customers in VT
                        -would need to educate volunteers to follow-up visits
                 4.  Timing:  
                        a.  Publish a general article on Fuel Club in Church newsletter                         for June asking people to register their interest by contacting                         Claudia; have interest forms at Nichols, library?  Send out on                          list serv?
                        b.  Follow-up with details and survey in July after Bob has                     finalized details for this year.  Bob will do follow-up with those                      interested.
                5.  Publicize in Church Newsletter, List Serve, forms at library, email,                        Nichols- (LEC box)
                6.  Matt to talk to Those Guys and set SERG on Program schedule
                7.  Claudia-  to take email inquiries for Applications
                8.  Pratts-  would not charge for fuel oil tuneup and tank switching

*Motion from Matt-  that the LEC  join with SERG to promote an Energy Fuel Club in Lyme; seconded by Claudia; carried unanimously.

*Denis Kelemen agreed to  membership on the LEC.  Welcome!

        C.  Float for Fourth of July Parade
                1.  Consider a bio-diesel car run on lye, glycerine, strained cooking oil
                2.  Bob  to check it out for LEC
                3.  need to contact Don Elder to enter   parade

Next LEC meeting:  Tuesday, June 15, 2004;  Lyme Center Academy Building
        Agenda:  Fall sustainable house tours

Adjourned 9:00 PM
Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg