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Energy Committee Minutes 2004/03/16
Lyme Energy Committee
March 16, 2004
Lyme Center Academy Building

Present:  Matthew Brown, Tina Cullenberg, Claudia, Kern, Carola Lea
Visitor:  Jim Nichols

1.  Fundraising for the wood pellet boiler
        A.  The LEC Committee determined by concensus that we would  officially                 take on the effort of raising funds to cover the proposed wood pellet           boiler
                1.  Time line allowed by Garage Committee is  only five weeks or                      April 15  
                2.  Lyme Foundation- suggest $12000 requested toward boiler
                       a.   LF meets first Tues of month; Gift Committee meets end of                   April                  
                               b.  Claudia to meet with them (Jennifer Schiffman, Gibb Cornwell)
                       3.  $5000 anonymous donation
                4.  $5000 discount off  price of boiler from Jim and Lloyd Nichols
        B. Proposed plan of action
                1.  Submit proposal to  Lyme Foundation for $12000 toward wood
                2.  Submit proposal to Utility Club     
                3.  Host open house at Nichols on March 29
                4.  Develop list of p;ossible funders and approach personally
                5.  Send community letter-
                6.  Creat "thermometer" for Green-  
        C.  Reviewed funding proposal to Lyme Foundation
                1.  Will email  and approve  changes
        D.  Reviewed funding letter  and invitation to Open House to community
                1.  Will meet at Carola's to stuff envelopes Sunday 4:00
        E.  Discussion followed regarding tax-deductible status
                1.  May need to make contributions through Lyme Foundation
                2.  Tina to consider receiving contributions by mail
        F.  Plan of action:
                1.  Open House at Nichols  March 29, 5:00-7:00
                2.  Plan Cheese/Crackers/cider
                3.  People to assist:  Chris Berger             Jan Williams
                                        Tina                    Cynthia ?Bognola
                4.  Email people for potential donors to Claudia
                5.  Matt to make "thermometer"
                6.  Carola to have banner printed
                7.  Use Lyme listerserve-  ? to contact

II.  Report on status of consulting bids
        A.  Matt consulted with Henri regarding continuous skins around cement of       slab for Garage- ?loss of heat
                -consider insulation on inside on interior wall surface rather than outside
III.  Report on partnership with NHRebuilds
        Matt spoke with Matt Peskey  of America Rebuilds  who will be in touch with
        Nichols regarding size of boilers, etc. etc.

IV.  Concerns/recommendations from Matt re: details of garage
        - Matt to continue to attend Friday AM meetings of Facilities Committee with
        list of concerns (windows, insulation under radiant floor slab)

V.  Proposal from Denis Kelemen for Wind Project for Lyme School- reviewed      outline submitted;  looks very promising.

VI.  Actions:
        A.  Carola to call Dina Cutting regarding Town Voters mail list
        B.  Mailing for Open House 3/22
        C.  Open House at Nichols' Hardware Monday March 29 5:-7:00
        D.  Posters-?
        E.  Postcards for invitation-  Matt to design and take to Gnoman Copy
        F.  Envelopes at Open House
        G.  Bulk mail through town
        H. Claudia to redraft proposal fo Lyme Foundation
        I.  Names from Fred Stearns, Freda Swan, Mike Smith, ?Academy Building                                       donators
        J.  Stuff envelopes Sunday at Carola's 4:00 PM

Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Cullenberg, Secretary