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Communications Study Minutes 2004/06/01
Communications Study Committee
Minutes for 2004-06-01

Subject: Meeeting #6 Minutes

The Lyme Communications Study Committee meeting #6 was held at the Lyme Fire Station, June 1, at 8:15am.
Present: Dave Avery, Chairman; John Sanders, Wally Ragan, Mike Prince, Pete Bleyler (left at 8:40am), George Hartmann.
Absent: Pauline Field, Michael Hinsley
Guests: Jim Jacobson and Bob Jacobson, Owner, of WaveComm. (Contact
info: phone 603-298-9000, pager 603- 443-5800, email

1.  Jim and Bob Jacobson of WaveComm attended the meeting at the invitation of Chairman Dave Avery. WaveComm has been working with Dartmouth College on putting an antenna somewhere in Lyme to facilitate handling the financial transactions at the Skiway. Locations being considered include the top of Winslow and a residence in the general vicinity of the Skiway.

2.  According to Bob Jacobson the College would like to get this done quickly.  He mentioned a time frame of 60 days.  They need to first make the technical/financial decision on the location; and then, get whatever permits are necessary.

3.  Various Committee members expressed interest in the possibility of sharing that WaveComm tower for Town of Lyme police and fire antennae as well as cell phone and pager service, all of which would enhance Lyme's emergency communications capability. Bob Jacobson said that they were contemplating solar power for the Winslow location, as there is no other power source up there.  He said that solar would not support the power needs of  additional antennae, however.  This led to a discussion of the possibility of running a powerline to the top of Winslow.

4.  Dave Avery reported that the College's electrical engineer has indicated that 115v  AC could not be run up the ski lift towers for safety reasons.  No one knew if this was a carefully researched opinion, or an informal one.  John Sanders volunteered that he knew of a situation in Maine where a line was run up a mountain inexpensively, neither buried nor elevated; he will try to get more detail.  A possibility suggested was for WaveComm to construct a substantial enough tower on Winslow to accommodate future antenna additions, but power it initially with solar for their immediate needs.  A power line could be run up at a later date.

5.  A brief discussion of the Lyme Telecommunications ordinance took place.  Mr. Jacobson was urged to contact Vickie Davis, Town of Lyme Zoning Administrator, for help and advice in getting the Town-required permits.  He was given a copy of the Lyme Telecommunications Ordinance.

6.  Action Items:
    a) WaveComm will make a location decision for their Lyme antenna. Dave Avery can assist them in this.

    b) WaveComm will study the Lyme Ordinance to indentify any conflicts that might exist.

    c) George Hartmann will contact Vickie Davis, giving background information and alerting her to expect a call from Bob Jacobson.  (Done via email June 1)

    d) Bob Jacobson will contact Vickie to seek her advice on the permitting process.

7.  The minutes of Meeting #5 were accepted without change.

8.  The next meeting will be at the Lyme Fire Station, Tuesday June 8, at 8:15am.

                                        George Hartmann 