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Communications Study Minutes 2004/04/27
Communications Study Committee
Minutes of 2004-04-27

Subject: Meeting #3 Minutes

The Lyme Communications Study Committee Meeting #3 was held at the Lyme Fire Station, April 27, at 8AM. Chairman David Avery called the meeting to order.
Present: Pauline Field, Michael Hinsley, John Sanders, Wally Ragan, George Hartmann
Absent: Pete Bleyler, Mike Prince
Invited Guest: Lee Larson
Interested Observer: Harvey Brotman

1. The minutes of Meeting #2, April 20, were approved without change.

2. Mike Hinsley, Fire Chief, presented his thoughts on Lyme emergency communications. Essentially, Hanover Dispatch provides good coverage for the southern part of the Upper Valley, and Grafton County does the same for the northern part.  However, because of topography, much of Lyme and perhaps some of Orford are in dead spots. His opinion is that one Lyme antenna won't do the job - two might. But, we must integrate our efforts with Hanover and Grafton county, who dominate emergency communications for the Upper Valley.

3. David Avery observed that we first need to determine what services we need to create or improve, and then decide what is necessary to solve the problem.  Meeting with Doug Hackett of Hanover and Doug Dutille of Grafton County will be an important step in that regard.

4. The need for secure communications, brought about by the Medical Privacy Act of October, 2003, was discussed. Mike Hinsley stated that we have young EMT's dealing with life-threatening situations in real time that need reliable and secure communications with professional staff at DHMC. Lee Larson asked if cellular communications would solve the privacy problem. It was agreed that the answer was yes - cellular would solve the problem, but we still need to improve our radio as well as our cellular capability.

5. The Committee endorsed the concept of a formal emergency communications relationship between the Town of Lyme and ARES, the ham radio organization that provides such services. Wally Ragan was requested to take whatever actions were necessary in order to establish the relationship.

6. Discussion touched on a range of topics, including the Bradford, VT, repeater station; Hanover's need for more frequencies; the NH State Police Simulcast project; funding from Homeland Security; and, New Hampshire's method of distributing such funding.

7. Lee Larson discussed his work with a computer-based topographic program. He believes that there is a clear radio wave propagation path from the top of Winslow all the way into the town center. A tower placed there might accommodate cellular as well as radio antennas. He also offered to invite John Davis, an expert in these matters, to consult with us when we get further along in our deliberations.

8. David Avery said he had a topo depiction on his computer. He will print it out and bring it to our next meeting. He also reported that Independent Wireless Corp. was his recommendation for a tower company from which to seek information, perhaps toward the end of May.

9. Action items:
    a) Pauline Field indicated that she had already invited Doug Hackett and Doug Dutille to attend our next meeting.
    b) Wally Ragan will handle establishment of Lyme's relationship with ARES.
    c) David Avery will bring his topo printout, as well as copies of Pauline's radio propagation charts, to the next meeting.
    d) Members were requested to give thought to appropriate questions in order to take maximum advantage of next week's visit by Messrs. Hackett and Dutille.

10. The next meeting will be at 8am, April 27, at the Lyme Fire Station.

                                        George Hartmann