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Communications Study Minutes 2004/04/20
Communications Study Committee
Minutes for 2004-04-20

Subject: Meeting # 2 Minutes

The Lyme Communications Study Committee Meeting #2 was held at the Lyme Fire Station, April 20, at 8AM. Chairman David Avery called the meeting to order.  
Present: Pauline Field, John Sanders, Wally Ragan, Pete Bleyler, George Hartmann
Absent: Michael Hinsley, Mike Prince
Harvey Brotman joined the meeting as an interested observer.

1. The minutes of Meeting #1, April 13, were approved without change.

2. Pauline Field, Police Chief, reported on communication problems experienced by her Department, as well as the Fire Department.  A case in point was difficulty the previous day, April 12, when soaring temperatures and high winds caused several fires in the area. Communication with Hanover Dispatch had to be done with the police cruiser acting as a relay station for the fire fighters, with many users on the single frequency.  She also presented radio wave propagation maps, prepared for Hanover Dispatch, showing significant dead spots in the Lyme area with the current tower configuration. Pauline indicated that Hanover is updating their study, and the effect of an additional tower in the Lyme area might be included for about $200.

3. Wally Ragan reported that no useful help was available from the NH State Inter-operability Committee. Separately, he said  Lee Larson was willing to show the Committee a 3-D depiction of the Lyme terrain that might aid our discussion on possible tower placement.  He also elaborated on the previous day's firefighting communications problems.

4. Dave Avery reported that his investigation of  the cost of repeater transceivers showed them to be less expensive than expected. It is around $5000 for a stand alone unit,  with two-thirds of that cost being batteries and solar panels.  Locating the unit near a source of AC power would, therefore, reduce the price substantially.

5. Discussion touched on a range of subjects, including the ham radio network; the defunct Orford tower; the American Red Cross; new mobile radios for the Fire Department; possible antenna locations in Lyme; interdependence of police and fire communications; and satellite telephones.

6. It was decided that a logical move would be to contact a firm in the tower construction/ownership business.

7. Action items for the next meeting:
    a) Pauline Field will contact Doug Hackett of Hanover Dispatch and invite him to our next meeting.
    b) Wally Ragan will contact Rex Carr, of the Ham Radio Network, and invite him to the May 4 meeting.
    c) Wally will also invite Lee Larson to join us, preferably for the next meeting.
    d) Dave Avery will make color copies of Pauline's radio wave propagation maps and distribute them at the next meeting.
    e) Dave will also present a recommendation on a tower company for us to contact.

8. The next meeting will be at 8am, April 27, at the Lyme Fire Station.

                                        George Hartmann