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Capital Improvements Plan Committee Minutes 2011/09/20

Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 20, 2011, 6 PM

Present:  Michael Woodard, Judy Brotman, Manning Rountree, Charles Ragan

The Minutes of August 17, 2011 were approved.

The committee discussed the scope of the CIP committee work, which primarily is focused on new projections for capital expenses.

New-to-fleet vehicles were discussed for three departments:

        Highway – Presently 5 trucks are required for 5 workers, and consist of 3 “big” and 2 “little” trucks – with one “spare” truck presently on site for use when needed as a back-up vehicle.  The committee is considering                continuing the present make-up of the fleet with replacements for the 3 big trucks and the 2 little trucks.  

        Police -  Presently 2 vehicles, both 2wd SUVs.  The committee is considering continuing with two SUV vehicles, but with an upgrade to 4wd for both vehicles.

        Fire – The committee is considering continuing the present fleet make-up and replacement schedule.  The committee commends the purchase of the new 4wd response vehicle.

Major road rebuilding projects include 5 sections of the River Road.  
        These 5 separate areas will need attention ranging from immediate to repair within the next two years.  
        The committee recommends being proactive in keeping the existing Town roads maintained at or above our current level by utilizing a road inventory and maintenance schedule.  
        The committee recommends increasing contributions to the Capital Reserve Fund for roads.

Major Bridge repairs:
        The committee recommends maintain the Capital Reserve Fund for bridge repair, and further recommends establishing a bridge inventory and maintenance schedule.

Transfer Station issues:
        Nothing is recommended for the next two years  -  after which time the Transfer Station Committee should be reformed, with a goal of revisiting the criteria and operation within a 5 year window.  Present licensing and       location, assumptions, operations criteria and possible alternatives to existing operations should all be detailed and reformulated as required.

Fire Station upgrade:
        Although the committee has heard several different opinions on the viability of the present physical plant, the committee recommends funding $50,000 / year for 5 years in order to replace the older “garage” portion of the fire station at that time.  A matching campaign could be instituted when plans for the station are drafted.

Town Buildings major repairs:
        The committee recommends using Capital Reserve Funds to make a viable year-around parking lot at the Academy Building.
        A new roof is needed ____________.
        A new well needs to be provided for the rental house at the Town offices property.
        A generator should be installed at ___________.

School Building upgrades and/or additions:
        There is presently not enough information to formulate a recommendation.  JLSB to follow-up with the Principal.

The meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
        /s/ JLSB
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Next meeting:  Tuesday, October 4th,  at 6 pm – Town Offices meeting room.