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Capital Improvements Plan Committee Minutes 2011/08/17

Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 6 PM

Present:  Michael Woodard, Judy Brotman
Absent:  Manning Rountree, Charles Ragan

Mike and Judy met at 6 pm and informally discussed our next step as a committee.  

Getting sufficient information to proceed with the CIP update has been difficult.  We hope that we will have better luck this fall.  

In summary, we will be looking to update the present CIP with new projections for capital expenses for new-to-the-fleet vehicles, major road rebuilding projects, transfer station upgrades and possible relocation, fire station upgrade, school building upgrades/additions and major repairs to other town buildings.

        Mike will follow-up on the town buildings, fire station and vehicle issues;
        Judy will follow-up on the transfer station and road issues.  

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
        /s/ JLSB
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Next meeting: Wednesday, September 14th at 6 pm – Town Offices meeting room.