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Capital Improvements Plan Committee Minutes 2011/06/15
Draft Minutes:  June 15, 2011
Minutes Approved:  June 29, 2011

June 15, 2011, 5:00 pm

Members Present:  Charles Ragan, Michael Woodard, Judy Brotman and Manning Rountree

#1.  The meeting opened at 6:00 pm

#2.  The minutes of June 8, 2011 were approved.

#3.  There were no department heads present- so there were no capital projects proposals to review.

#4.   The Committee discussed whether or not there was a need to personally meet with every department head.  The consensus was that most department heads could submit any projected capital needs in writing to the committee to review.

#5.  Next week, the committee will be meeting at noon on Wednesday, hoping that time will be more advantageous for working departments to meet with the committee.  

#6.  The committee discussed the possible need to continue regularly scheduled meetings into September to give departments a chance to review their future capital needs at a time that is not in conflict with summer work and summer vacations.

#7.. The meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ JLSB

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Next meeting:  Noon, Wednesday, June 22, 2011