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Budget Committee Minutes 2007/12/12
                                                        Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
December 12th, 2007
Fire Station Training Room

Approved: December 19th, 2007

Present at this meeting:  Selectmen: Richard Jones & Simon Carr. Budget Committee Members: Acting Chairman Dave Caffry,  Josh Kilham, Gibb Cornwell, Freda Swan, & Elizabeth Glenshaw.  School Board Representative: Kathy McGowan. Public: Mike Smith. Bookkeeper/Scribe: Dina Cutting

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Acting Chair Caffry.

Mr. Jones moved to approve the minutes of November 27th, 2007 meeting. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Motion voted unanimously in favor.

Mr. Jones moved to approve the minutes of the December 5th, 2007 meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Swan. Changes and corrections were offered. Following a brief discussion, the minutes were approved unanimously with changes and corrections.

1) Mr. Jones reviewed the new figures for the proposed 2008 Selectmen’s budget. The total on the memorandum should read $1,979,979.00. The figure for % of wages and benefits should read 55.1%.
2) Mr. Jones reviewed the information he was asked to bring back to this budget meeting:
·       Mr. Jones passed out a comparative spread sheet for the Transfer Station. The revenues for the Transfer Station doubled in the 1st year.
·       Ms. Grandine would like to increase the Town Poor request to $22,000.00.
·       Account # 4901 Land & Improvements: The Budget Committee does not need to deal with this at this time, it will be included in the bond figures.
·       Beach: The Recreation Commission will be coming to the Budget Committee with more information at a later date.
Capital Reserve Funds were reviewed by Mr. Jones;
·       Lines 388, 411 and 413 the Budget Committee does not vote. The Selectmen are agents for these accounts.
·       Line 389-Vehical CRF: No vehicle or equipment to be purchased in 2008.
·       Line 396-Bessie Hall: The balance of the account.
·       Line 397-$4,000.00 moved from the fire operational budget clothing line.
·       Line 398-Computer CRF: These costs include replacement for vision computer, dot matrix printer and various other items. This figure does not include any software costs. Those are in the operational budget.
Machinery, Vehicles & Equipment:
·       Mrs. Swan moved to approve account 4902 Machinery, Vehicles and Equipment for $18,423.00 Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Motion was voted 6 in favor with 1 abstention (Mrs. Glenshaw).
This account is the bond and the egress windows for the basement of the Library. At this time, the Budget Committee discussed the option of looking at the overall increase in the budget before voting individual accounts. Concerns as to whether it was too early to be voting on the bond for the Town Offices was expressed.  It was noted that these are preliminary votes, non-binding.
·       Mr. Jones moved account 4903 at $895,000.00. Seconded by Mrs. Swan. The motion was voted 2 in favor with 4 abstentions (Mr. Cornwell, Mrs. McGowan, Mrs. Glenshaw & Mr. Kilham).
Improvements other than buildings:
·       Mr. Jones moved account 4909 at $18,000.00. Seconded by Mrs. Swan. Brief explanation of the appraisal process, clarified that the assessing clerk is a 40 hours per week job. The motion was voted unanimously in favor.
To Capital Reserve Funds & Trust Funds:
      Mr. Jones gave a brief explanation of these accounts. There followed a lengthy discussion concerning the various funds and whether or not they were funded adequately. Mr. Jones explained that the Selectmen decided to keep the total amounts to go into this year’s CRF the same as last year’s. They just shuffled things around.
·       Mrs. Swan moved accounts 4915 at $293,500.00 & 4916 at $37,000.00 (this has the additional $3,000.00 for Town Poor added in). Motion voted unanimously in favor.
3) The updated revenue figures were reviewed. The following lines were touched on: Skiway, United Development Services, building permits, and solid waste. Followed was a brief discussion concerning revenues for the solid waste program. They did not meet the proposed revenue figures from last year. The C & D charges have been increased for next year. The sharing of services with neighboring towns was discussed. The Budget Committee is waiting for Mr. Strout to get back to them with more information on this subject. It was noted that there are different thing that can be done to relieve the financial burden on the tax payers of Lyme. User fees are one thing that should be investigated.

4) At this time, the Budget committee decided to review and vote on the 2008 proposed operating expenses.
Executive: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 22 at $117,839.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.
Elections, Registrations & Vital Statistics: Mr. Cornwell moved to approve line 39 at
$77,365.00. Seconded by Mrs. Swan. Voted unanimously in favor.
Financial Administration: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 64 at $119,830.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Revaluation of Property: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 78 at $ 79,152.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Legal: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 80 at $30,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Mr. Jones noted that the Selectmen were going to be working hard to have more control over this line item. Voted 5 in favor, and 1 against (Mrs. Glenshaw). Motion carries.
Personnel Administration: Mr. Jones noted this figure could be changed. He will double check the figures for the town portion OASDI.
Mr. Cornwell moved to approve line 87 at $62,500.00 (the $3,275.00 will come from line 83). Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Planning & Zoning: Mr. Cornwell move to approve line 104 at $76,645.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. There will be a Master Plan funds carryover from 2007 to 2008. The wages and benefits in this department are not confirmed yet. Once this position is filled, these can be firmed up. Voted unanimously in favor.
General Government Buildings: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 114 at $11,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Cemeteries: Mr. Cornwell moved line 128 at $47,744.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Insurance: Mrs. Swan moved line 135 at $45,210.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Other General Government: Mrs. Swan moved line 142 at $100.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Police: Mrs. Swan moved line 161 at $204,096.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.
Ambulance: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 163 at $38,500.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Fire: Mr. Cornwell moved to approve line 188 at $40,175.00. Seconded by Mrs. Swan. Mr. Hinlsey will need to come in and discuss the fire truck purchase and the issue of the replacement clothing and where it should be posted in the budget. Voted unanimously in favor.
Emergency Management: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 195 at $2,175.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Other Public Safety: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 197 at $18,100.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.
Highways and Streets: Mr. Cornwell moved to approve line 239 at $646,067.00. Seconded by Mrs. Swan. Voted unanimously in favor.
Street Lighting: Mr. Cornwell moved to approve line 241 at $ 2,100.00. Voted unanimously in favor.
Solid Waste Collection: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 258 at $32,350.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.
Solid Waste Disposal: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 267 at $50,900.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.
Health Agencies & Hospitals & Other: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 287 at $15,020.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Administration and Direct Assistance: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 294 at $5,350.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.
Parks & Recreation: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 324 at $64,579.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.
Library: Mr. Jones moved to approve line 351 at $128,599.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.
Patriotic Purposes: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 355 at $1,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Administration and Purchase of Natural Resources: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 366 at $1,800.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Principal-Bond: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 370 at $25,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Interest-Bond: Mrs. Swan moved to approve line 372 at $21,125.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. Voted unanimously in favor.
Interest-Tax Anticipation Notes: Mr. Cornwell moved to approve line 374 at $10,000.00. Seconded by Mrs. McGowan. Voted unanimously in favor.

5) The Budget Committee’s meeting on January 8th is a conflict for the Selectmen. The Selectmen have to be at the primary. Do we need to reschedule this meeting? The Budget Committee felt they should keep this meeting on the 8th. This date is good for Mr. Schnare and this meeting is to present the school proposed budget.

Reminder: Next meeting December 19th, 2007 @ 7:00pm Fire Station.

At 9:15, Mr. Cornwell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mrs. Swan. Voted unanimously in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dina Cutting