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Budget Committee Minutes 2007/11/14
                                        Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
November 14th, 2007
Fire Station Training Room

Approved: November 27th, 2007

Present at this meeting:  Budget Committee Members: Chairman Barney Brannen, Freda Swan, Josh Kilham, Gibb Cornwell, & Elizabeth Glenshaw.  School Board Representative: Kathy McGowan. Selectmen:   Simon Carr & Dick Jones.  Community Member: Earl Strout.  Town Offices Committee members:  Judy Shelnutt Brotman, Letitia Smith, Frank Bowles and Don Metz. Staff: Carole Bont & Patty Jenks.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chair Brannen.

Update from Mr. Earl Strout about sharing services in other towns.  Earl and Dick Justice meet with Paul Dalton in Orford and reviewed a number of areas in the future that might be shared.  The transfer station in Orford may be a problem in a few years so opportunities could develop there.  The other area investigated was purchasing power on certain goods.  Orford has an assessing problem and finding someone to do it.  Also emergency management ideas could be shared.  The police departments were discussed; Orford has 1,100 people with two employees but Fairlee only has a constable.  This is an area that should be looked at.  

Mr. Jones stated that the selectman liked the idea of looking at the transfer station services.  Chief Fields has done some work on a combined police department and she will look at the other town in NH that has done this.  Per Mr. Jones, you can’t compare VT and NH because of the way the state police assist in each state.   This will fall to the selectmen ultimately.

Mr. Jones stated that the CIP committee met this week.   We need a budget committee member to join this committee.  Members are Jack Elliott (planning board), Judy Shelmutt Brotman and Mike Smith (as public), Dick Jones (selectman).  

Don Metz gave update on new town offices.  The committee thinks this project is the best.  See attached summary memo.  The plan is to tear down the barn and extend the shop.   This location is well situated for growth; the committee likes the added feature of the Lila Pike house.  Cost is hopefully less than $1 million; committee is looking for private donations of $200,000 and to keep costs of building low.  $1mm bond results 33 cents per $1,000 house value per year.  The facility is twice the size of the existing space.  The committee is hoping to have the detailed estimates by the end of December.  One question raised at the public meetings has been if the Lila Pike house is going to be used as the police station.  Mr. Brannen stated that the committee should tell the public that this is not under their charge.  Presently, the Pike house is a rental property so generates income.  Mr. Cornwell inquired if there is any special security required.  Mr. Metz replied that it will be fireproof and therefore vandal proof.  Ms Smith stated that the public meetings have been going well – there were many ideas generated and the people were truly interested and trying to support the project.  Twenty people showed at each meeting.  A question and answer document will be put together and sent out with information such as operating costs.  The operating costs will be similar to a well-insulated medium sized house, but the details will be provided.

Mrs. McGowan handed out a spreadsheet on the historic changes in operating expenses per department for the committee to review.  

At 8:00 pm, Mrs. McGowan moved to adjourn.  Seconded by Mr. Kilham.  Voted unanimously.    


Kathy McGowan