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Budget Committee Minutes 2007/10/30
                                        Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
October 30th, 2007
Selectmen’s Office

Approved: November 6th, 2007

Present at this meeting: Selectmen: Richard Jones & Simon Carr. Budget Committee Members: Chairman Barney Brannen, Josh Kilham, Elizabeth Glenshaw, Jeff Lehmann, Freda Swan, Gibb Cornwell, Dave Caffry& Manning Rountree.  School Board Representative: Kathy McGowan. Staff: Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Bookkeeper/Scribe Dina Cutting & Town Clerk Patricia Jenks. Librarian: Betsy Eaton. Library Trustees: Judith Russell & Mardi Bowles. Fire Chief: Michael Hinsley.

The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by Chair Brannen.

1) Mr. Jones explained that some departments have put their benefits in their proposed budgets. Because the numbers were just received, the numbers have not been checked as of tonight’s meeting. The spreadsheets may not reflect the correct amounts. Mr. Jones and Mrs. Cutting will figure all benefits and make sure the correct amounts are in next week’s spreadsheets. Mr. Jones reported retirement has gone up ¾% and health insurance went up an average of 9.9%.

2) Mrs. Swan moved to approve the minutes of the October 3rd, 2007 meeting. Seconded by Mr. Lehmann. A brief discussion concerning the October 3rd minutes took place. No changes were made to the minutes. Ms. Bont reported the new tax rate has been set at $19.15.  Mrs. Cutting will bring a break down on the tax rate to the next meeting. The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

3) Mr. Brannen reported that the revised calendar had been sent vie e-mail for all to review and was voted at the last meeting.

4) Fire Department: Chief Hinsley reviewed various lines in the proposed Fire Department budget. This year was a big year for training and the Fire Department will be doing more training in the coming year. Station Major Equipment is up because this line includes a generator for the Fire Station. If there is enough money to do this in the 2007 budget, the Fire Department will go ahead with it this year and then this line will be reduced in the 2008 budget request. The Clothing Major Equipment line has been put back in the 2008 budget request. Clothing was removed last year by the Selectmen. Mr. Hinsley believes using the Besse Hall funds for these kinds of expenses is contrary to the intent of the fund. The Capital Reserve Fund for Clothing was set up and is not fully funded yet. The radio tower is up on the Fire Station. This tower is a free service for the town. There are no revenues associated with the tower. The Fire Department would like to do some work to the driveway and paint the exterior of the Station in the coming year. Mr. Hinsley pointed out the increases to the Fire budget is in 2 lines, Clothing and the Station Major Equipment.  A discussion concerning the fuel budget line ensued. This line is never close to the Department’s request. It was noted that there is a problem with the Fire Department remembering to write down the fuel they take from the tanks. The option of taking this line out and having the Fire Department fuel included in the Highway Budget was discussed. No decision was made at this time.
Mr. Hinsley noted the decision on the purchase of the generator would be made by mid-December so the 2008 proposed budget could be changed prior to the final vote.
Mr. Hinsley reviewed the problems with Lyme Fire engine 3. The number of trucks needed for fighting fires in a rural area was reviewed and discussed. Mr. Hinsley talked about the option of purchasing one of two styles of fire trucks. Engine 3 is due to be replaced in 2009. The Fire Department would like to have the Budget Committee consider replacing it in 2008. The Fire Department has been working to get a better ISO rating for the town for several years now. If the Town went to 2 trucks, it would adversely affect the rating. Followed was a brief discussion concerning the Capital Reserve Funds, 2 trucks compared to 3 trucks, how this would change the purchasing schedule, and the life expectancy of these fire trucks. It was decided to look at the Capital Reserve Funds at the December 12th, 2007 meeting.

5) Library: Ms. Russell reviewed the Library budget. The Trustees want to restore the salary cut Ms. Eaton took last year. The benefits for the librarian have changed from family to 2 person. The Library is open 36 hours per week. Library assistance line has increased for coverage when Ms. Eaton takes vacation time. The part-time employees work 26 hours total. That leaves 10 hours not covered when Ms. Eaton takes vacation. The Library is having a broadband change which will increase the speed by 5-10 times. The Library has been switching to more energy efficient lighting. This is budgeted in the Building Maintenance line. The savings in snow plowing is because the Highway is plowing the Library parking lot. This budget is a 1% increase over last year’s budget. Blisters for books raised $6,627.00 in 2007.

6) Town Clerk: Mrs. Jenks explained that lines 34 & 35 Elections will need to be recalculated. 2008 will have 4 elections and the minimum wage is going up, which were not accounted for when these figures were requested. Mrs. Jenks reported the only significant change to her budget is the inclusion of a part-time employee. Mrs. Jenks would like to bring in a new employee to start learning the Town Clerk ropes. Mrs. Greatorex does not want to become the Town Clerk, and Mrs. Jenks will not be in this position forever……Someone needs to learn how to do genealogy, vital statistics, and all the different requirements for the state. If Mrs. Jenks and Mrs. Greatorex take vacation, there is no one to come in and help. That means one person is working and this does not work well. This new person does not have to be a resident. Mrs. Jenks commented she realizes this may not happen this year but wanted to make sure the Budget Committee knew this was coming soon.

7) Beach Budget: Mrs. Cutting informed the Budget Committee that the beach budget’s only increase is the money for another Beaver deceiver. All other budget lines are the same as last year. The Recreation Director wage is set by the Selectmen and will be reported when the Selectmen present their budget. The Recreation Commission is having Pathways work up a price for the cost of improvements to the ball field and beach area. This will be a separate warrant article.

8) The Budget Committee requested Chief Field come to the next Budget Committee meeting to answer questions concerning the Police proposed budget.

9) The Emergency Management budget request was briefly discussed. It was noted that Mr. Ragan is out of town for the next month.

10) Mr. Brannen confirmed Ms. Bont and Chief Field will be the departments reporting at next week’s meeting. The 2008 benefits numbers will be included in the spreadsheets.

11) It was asked how hard core the Budget Committee was going to be about the level funding. At tonight’s meeting, all departments have been over the level funding. Mr. Jones noted that all departments are asked to submit a budget including what they think they need to run their departments. The Budget Committee listens and asks questions. Next the Selectmen will come to the Budget Committee with their recommendations for the 2008 department budgets. Then the Budget Committee can discuss how seriously they want to stick to the level funding of each department.

12) Mr. Lehmann reported the Mr. Strout has had preliminary discussions with 1 Orford Selectmen concerning sharing resources. The Selectman would like to continue discussions and push ahead with this idea. The Budget Committee gave their blessing to Mr. Strout to continue these discussions.

13) Mrs. McGowan expressed concern over the vote at the October 3rd meeting concerning level funding for the school. This goal does not make sense for the school. It is not realistic considering the high school tuition and Special Education costs are out of the School Board’s control. It was noted that the Budget Committee realizes the high school tuition and Special Education costs are not with in the School Board’s control.

14) Mr. Brannen reminded all that any increase in employees or employee’s hours will need to be explained to the Budget Committee.

At 8:30 Mrs. Swan moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mrs. McGowan. Voted unanimously in favor.

Next meeting: Tuesday, November 6th, 2007 Fire Station Training Room 7:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dina Cutting