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Budget Committee Minutes 2004/12/08
Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
December 8, 2004
Lyme town Offices

APPROVED: January 10, 2005

Present at this meeting: Selectmen: Judith Shelnutt Brotman and Peter Bleyler. Budget Committee Members: Gibb Cornwell, Mike Smith, Jeff Lehmann, Josh Kilham, Chairman Barney Brannen, Earl Strout, David Caffry, Wayne Tullar and Freda Swan and School Board Chainman Laszlo Bardos. Staff: Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Planning and Zoning Administrator Victoria Davis, Police Chief Pauline Field, Fire Chief Michael Hinsley, Town Clerk Patricia Jenks, Tax Collector Joanne Coburn, Transfer Station Committee member: Cynthia Bognolo, Zoning Board member Ross McIntyre and Scribe/Bookkeeper/Selectmen’s Secretary Dina Cutting.

The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Chair Brannen.
1)      Mr. Bardos moved to approve the minutes of the December 1st, 2004, meeting. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Corrections to the minutes were offered. The minutes were voted 10 in favor, 1 abstention (Mr. Smith) with corrections noted.

Followed was a discussion about whether to attach e-mails to the minutes. The Budget Committee agreed to attach e-mails that include public comments from community members who would have attended the meeting, but could not come.

2)      Transfer Station Update: Mr. Bleyler reported that the Transfer Station Study Committee would like to move forward with their tentative plans. They are hoping to charge a per bag fee for house hold solid waste and a separate charge for the Construction & Demolition. The Committee is no longer recommending the purchase of a packer and the insulation of the concrete pad. Instead the Committee is hoping to have the packer come more than once a week. The Transfer Station Committee has a draft of a hand out they would like to start distributing at the Transfer Station on Sundays. The Committee would like the support of the Budget Committee before they pass these out. Mr. Bleyler reported on the projected saving:
                Pay per bag:  Projected $49,000.00 in annual savings.
                C & D: Projected $5,500.00 in annual savings.
The other parts of the recycling program either make a profit or break even. Mr. Bleyler gave an example of another town that made the same changes as the Transfer Station Committee is proposing and is realizing a substantial savings. The Transfer Station Committee would like a roof over the containers to keep water from accumulating. They need a fence around the recycling center to prevent unauthorized dumping. The Committee reported about their meeting with personnel from NRRA. The personnel from NRRA believe the town has a good deal with the new packer company, Whitcher. The Transfer Station Committee will hold at least two public meetings concerning the proposed changes in an effort to get as much information out to the community.
Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved that the Budget Committee support the flyer to be distributed at the transfer station. Seconded by Mr. Caffry. This proposal will need to be marketed to the community so everyone is really informed on the savings associated with the Transfer Station proposal.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.
Chair Brannen thanked the Transfer Station Committee for all their hard work.
Followed was a discussion concerning whether or not the Budget Committee should apply this proposed revenue to the proposed 2005 budget calculations. Budget Committee members commented that if the Budget Committee was going to support the proposed changes to the transfer station they should include the changes in the town revenues.  

3)      The Budget Committee noted that all votes taken on the budget tonight are tentative. Followed was a brief discussion about the timing of the meetings and the need to spend time on the revenue side of the budget. The Budget Committee will vote the operational budget then, at a later meeting, discuss and vote on the revenues.

Followed was a brief discussion about a number of different options the Budget Committee could choose from within the proposed budget for personnel-related costs. The Budget Committee agreed to entertain a motion to adopt one of the selections on the Selectmen’s memorandum. Then the Budget Committee will move ahead with the discussion of the operational budget. The budget committee may still change individual lines within the budget. All votes taken tonight are tentative. It was also noted that it is the Budget Committee’s job to vote individual lines and the Selectmen’s job to decide on employee wages.



Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved to recommend the Selectmen’s recommended choice for pay and benefit on the Selectmen’s memorandum in the amount of $883,821.50. Seconded by Mr. Smith.
Followed was a discussion involving pay increases, longevity, and correcting some of the job classifications of employees. Concerns were expressed concerning the disparity between some employee raises compared to others. Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman explained that some employees were not given correct raises when the pay and classification adjustments were made. The Selectmen were correcting for this. Followed was a lengthy discussion concerning benefits for the full-time employees. Mr. Smith noted the % increases in the cost of employee benefits should not be considered an increased benefit to the employee. The Budget Committee discussed the different levels of benefits employees receive. The employees do not receive the same benefit package because of the change in the personnel policies in 1998. Employees hired after 1998 receive health
insurance coverage for the single employee only. They can purchase more coverage for their family, if they desire. Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman reported the Selectmen have been working on this issue; they were not ready to bring it to the Budget Committee at this time. It is a complicated issue and they want to be fair to all employees. The Budget Committee encouraged the Selectmen to look at this issue for next year.
*The motion was voted as followed, 4 opposed (Mr. Cornwell, Mr., Lehmenn, Mr. Caffry and Mr. Strout), 6 in favor.

b) EXECUTIVE: $107,215.00

Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account numbers 4130-4139 in the amount of $107,715.00. Seconded by Mrs. Swan.
Followed was a discussion concerning the phone lines for all town departments. Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman reported a change in the town’s long distance carrier that will bring significant savings to the town. If we had this change in place last month the town would have saved about $350.00. This figure is based on ALL of the different phone lines within the departments.
Mr. Tullar recommended decreasing the amount for the executive phone line by $500.00.
*Mr. Tullar moved to reduce the total in lines 4130-4139 by $500.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell.  Followed was a discussion concerning wireless communications for the town. The Communications Committee is working on this option and hopes there will be money within the budget to do this. The Energy Committee was discussed. They requested $600.00 and the Selectmen already cut this request to $200.00. A brief discussion took place explaining that the Energy Committee is connected to SERGE, the group out of Thetford.
*The amendment was voted unanimously in favor.
*The original motion in the amended amount of $107,215.00 was voted 1 opposed (Mr. Lehmann) 9 in favor.

Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account numbers 4140-4149 in the amount of
$52,253.00 Second by Mr. Smith.  
Followed was a discussion clarifying the Town Clerk’s request for change in the form of compensation. The motor vehicle fees will go to the town on the revenue side of the budget. The Town Clerk will be paid a salary for all work. Previously the town Clerk received a salary plus MV fees. Mr. Smith noted he was very pleased the selectmen were recognizing the true amount of work that goes into this position.  
Mr. Tullar recommended decreasing the amount for the phone lines by $150.00.
*Mr. Tullar moved to reduce lines 4140-4149 by $150.00. Seconded by Mr. Strout. The amendment was voted unanimously in favor.
*The original motion in the amended amount of $52,103.00 was voted unanimously in favor.


Mr. Cornwell moved account numbers 4150-4151 in the amount of $95,454.00. Seconded by Mr. Tullar. Clarification of the refunds and miscellaneous lines was offered.
*The motion was voted 1 opposed ( Mr. Tullar) 9 in favor.


Mr. Smith moved account number 4152 in the amount of $58,252.00. Seconded by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman.
Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman informed the Budget Committee that an increase of $10,000.00 will need to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund for reevaluation purpose. This will be a warrant article so it will not change the operational budget request. It was clarified that the hours between the Assessing Clerk and the Selectmen’s Clerk were changed. We realized that the Assessing Clerk was requiring more hours than the Selectmen’s Clerk. There is no increase-just a reallocation between departments.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

f) LEGAL EXPENSE: $27,000.00

Mr. Smith moved account number 4153 in the amount of $27,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Caffry.
This line was increased because of 2 pending Superior Court cases and various other pending cases not covered by our insurance. Ms. Bont informed the Budget Committee that these cases cannot be discussed in public session.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mr. Cornwell moved account numbers 4155-4159 in the amount of $57,605.00. Seconded by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman. The family health line was clarified.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

h) PLANNING ZONING: $57,163.00

Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account numbers 4191-4193 in the amount of $55,163.00. Seconded by Mr. Smith.  
The need to update the Master Plan was discussed. Mr. McIntyre commented there are some major issues that need to be dealt with for example the “commercial district” in the zoning regulation for the Town of Lyme. The money for the master plan is needed for maps and some technical items.
*Mrs. Swan moved to increase the amount by $2,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Mrs. Swan would like lines 109 and 110 restored to their original amounts of $2,300.00 and $1,100.00. Total for Planning and Zoning would be $57,163.00.
*The amendment was voted 2 opposed (Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman and Mr. Tullar) and 8 in favor.
*The original motion in the amended amount was voted with 1 abstention (Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman) 1 opposed (Mr. Tullar) and 8 in favor.


Mr. Cornwell moved account number 4195 in the amount of $4,800.00. Seconded by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman.
Followed was a brief discussion concerning the maintenance of town buildings. The Selectmen have moved most of the individual building maintenance charges to their respective department’s budgets. It was noted that the Selectmen would still like to initiate a $5,000.00 budget allocation for a Capital Reserve Fund for the maintenance and repair of ALL town buildings.        
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

j) CEMETERIES: $43,813.00

Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account number 4195 in the amount of $45,813.00. Seconded by Mr. Strout.
Followed was a discussion concerning the request for the new mower and landscaping for the access road to the Highland Cemetery. The Selectmen took these requested amounts out because they felt these expenditures could be put off for another year.  Perpetual care money is an offset; it is reimbursed by the trust fund. Questions about the gasoline line amount were asked. The amount of $2,700.00 seems to be too high compared to what was spent last year and so far this year.
Mr. Cornwell moved to reduce the requested amount for gasoline to $700.00. Seconded by Mr. Lehmann.
*The amendment was voted 2 abstentions (Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman and Mr. Smith) 9 in favor.
*The original motion in the amended amount of $43,813.00 was voted with 2 abstentions (Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman and Mr. Smith) 8 in favor.

k) INSURANCE: $40,800.00

Mr. Strout moved account number 4196 in the amount of $40,800.00. Seconded by Mr. Smith.
The reasons for insurance increases were clarified. The new garage, coverage for the old garage until it is removed and the addition of the Edgell covered Bridge account for most of the increases.
*The motion was voted 1 opposed (Mr. Cornwell) 9 in favor.


Mrs. Swan moved account number 4197 in the amount of $2,160.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

m) POLICE: $141,375.00

Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account numbers 4210-4214 in the amount of $141,375.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell.
Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman explained that the Selectmen’ budget has no increases in the number of hours worked for this department and no additional overtime hours. Chief Field explained, she waits until the end of the year to see what she can spend for the major equipment line. Followed was a discussion concerning the hours the police department spends in the office versus on the road. Chief Field informed the Budget Committee of all the different aspects of an investigation and how the officer may need to allocate their time through an investigation. The cruiser and the need for two cruisers were discussed. How the Police department handles emergency calls was discussed. The questions were called by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman.
The motion was voted 1 opposed (Mr. Lehmann) 9 in favor.

n) AMBULANCE: $40,000.00

Mr. Smith moved account numbers 4215-4219 in the amount of $40,000.00. Seconded by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman.
Followed was a brief discussion concerning the procedure used to collect the ambulance bills. The per capita amount for Lyme has increased and the population figure used to calculate the bill has increased. We have no way of knowing how many ambulance bills will not be reimbursed but the town’s procedure for  collecting these bills are aggressive.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

o) FIRE $35,775.00

Mrs. Swan moved account numbers 4220-4229 in the amount of $35,775.00.Seconded by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman.
Followed was a discussion concerning fire station repairs, installation of the two blowers from the old highway garage, and the work that was done to the fire station last year. The fire department’s budget does not have any money in it to address repairs issues in the police office. The Budget Committee requested that Chief Field get an estimate of the cost to have these repairs made and report back to the next meeting. Chief Hinsley reported that the Communication Committee will be recommending the installation of some communications equipment that will improve the emergency communications for Lyme. The Town of Hanover is teaming up with Lyme to make this happen. The Town of Lyme will be responsible for 50% of the January –June charges. Chief Hinsley requested that this amount be added to the communications line #4299. This amount comes to $1,266.00.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account numbers 4290-4298 in the amount of $3,675.00. Seconded by Mr. Smith.
Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman explained the Selectmen could not support the request from the Emergency Management Director at this time. It was noted that the Selectmen have no knowledge that any grants will be in jeopardy if this is not done at this time.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

q) OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY: $14,466.00

Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account number 4299 in the amount of $14,466.00. Seconded by Mr. Smith. The $1,266.00 was added to this line.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

r) HIGHWAYS AND STREETS: $ 545,904.00

Mr. Cornwell moved account numbers 4312 in the amount of $545,904.00. Seconded by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman.
Followed was a discussion concerning the classification of the highway employees, whether the town needs three heavy equipment operators, the benefits of having many employees be qualified to perform a variety of tasks when you have a small crew. Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman noted the Selectmen have cut about $40,000.00 from these department recommendations. There are no hour increases and no additional personnel in the Selectmen’s recommendation.
*The motion was voted 3 apposed (Mr. Cornwell, Mr. Lehmann & Mr. Strout) 7 in favor.

s) STREET LIGHTING: $4,000.00

Mr. Smith moved account number 4316 in the amount of $4,000.00. Seconded by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman.
The charges from the new electric company, Public Service of NH, have increased significantly. Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman informed the Budget Committee the Selectmen have authorized the electric company to turn off some of the street lights, hopefully to save money and conserve energy.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account number 4323 in the amount of $25,283.00. Seconded by Mr. Strout.
The Budget Committee commented it was nice to see people working hard to help the town find the best solution for the Transfer Station.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account number 4324 in the amount of $65,920.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell.
It was the sense of the Budget Committee to not decrease this figure at this time in anticipation of potential savings resulting in the pay-per bag recommendation.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account numbers 4415-4419 in the amount of $14,600.00.Seconded by Mr. Smith.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account numbers 4441-4442 in the amount of $24,150.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell.
The Budget Committee discussed the possibilities of starting a trust fund for the town poor. This may not be the year to do it because of the cost. The sense of the Budget Committee was to have Ms. Bont look into this to see what options the town has for a fund to level this cost.  
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account number 4520-4529 in the amount of $ 55,829.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell.
Followed was a discussion concerning the Recreation Director’s hours. The commission requested this position be salaried. It is too hard to track the hours being worked. The beach needs an adult to be the go-to person and to oversee the young adults working out at the beach as life guards. This person is also responsible for the swimming lessons for the pond program. The Budget Committee had questions concerning the addition of the Beach Activity Supervisor, the Beach Supervisor wages and the requested amount for the Recreation Director’s salary. There was no increase in hours so the requested amounts should add up to the total of one position. Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman will check on this and bring the answers to the next Budget Committee’s meeting.
Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved to withdraw her motion. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell.
*The motion to withdraw was voted unanimously in favor.

y) LIBRARY: Not Voted

Because of the late hour the Budget Committee decided to discuss the Library at its next meeting.


Mr. Kilham moved account number 4583 in the amount of $750.00. Seconded by Mr. Lehmann. This line was cut because in the past years they have not used $1,000.00.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mr. Strout moved account numbers 4611-4612 in the amount of $1,300.00. Seconded by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mr. Strout moved account number 4711 in the amount of $26,004.00. Seconded by Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mr. Strout moved account number 4721 in the amount of $28,900.00. Seconded by Mr. Caffry.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.


Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved account number 4723 in the amount of $10,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham.
*The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

5)      Next week’s meeting the Budget Committee will discuss the following department’s requested budgets:
        Beach Activity Supervisor
The Budget Committee will need to review the Revenues. The Budget Committee also will need to address the Capital Reserve Funds.

At 10:10pm Mrs. Shelnutt Brotman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Smith.
The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dina Cutting