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Budget Committee Minutes 2004/09/15
Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
September 15, 2004
Lyme Town Offices


Present at this meeting: Selectmen: Judith Shelnutt Brotman. Budget Committee Members: Gibb Cornwell, Mike Smith, Jeff Lehmann, Josh Kilham, Chairman Barney Brannen, Earl Strout, David Caffry. School Board Chairman Laszlo Bardos. Facilities Committee member: Tony Ryan. Fire Chief Michael Hinsley. Staff: Dina Cutting. Public: Anne Gamble and son.

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm by Chair Brannen.

Mr. Brannen reviewed the topics the Budget Committee would be covering at this evenings meeting.
A)      Town Operating Budget Projection Worksheet. He noted they would be discussing this procedure. It would be difficult to come up with a % because the information needed has not been gathered yet.
B)      Mr. Ryan, to report on the highway garage project.
C)      Chief Hinsley, to report on the fire department.
1) Highway Garage report: Mr. Ryan passed out various worksheets (see attachment). Mr. Ryan informed the Committee of the difference in the original estimate and the current estimate for the completed project. The Highway Facilities Committee and CCI have been working hard to keep the costs at budget. Due to the sharp increase in the cost of materials the project looks to be about $40,000.00 over budget right now. The original plan was to include a salt shed estimated at $20,000.00. It has become clear to the Committee that the shed will not be built this year. The Committee would like to put the $20,000.00 towards the garage building, if needed. Highway Road Agent Mr. Stearns feels they can get by with what they are using presently. The highway crew is so thankful to have this new building. Followed was a discussion concerning the money that was included in the budget for the interest payment associated with the bond. Because the town ended up with a different kind of bond we can not prepay the interest as we originally budgeted for. The Committee discussed using the interest payment money towards the project if needed. Ms. Shelnutt Brotman informed the Committee she had checked with counsel and the Board of Selectmen can vote to do this. The Selectmen and Highway Facilities Committee would like to have the sense of the Budget Committee on this issue. Mr. Ryan went on to inform the Budget Committee of some recent State and safety-mandated additions to the project. Mr. Ryan described how nice it has been working with CCI. They are very invested in the success of the project and get along well with the Highway employees. The Highway employees have been helping out a lot. This has reduced the total cost of the project. Mr. Jenks also has been a great help and has done most of the site preparation with the Highway employees.
2) It was noted that the Budget Committee would have time to revisit the issues of the cost of the wood pellet boiler, and salt shed at a later date. Mr. Smith recommended the Budget Committee get a sense of whether to use the interest monies for the building and what to do about the Weed pellet boiler. He suggested we wait on the salt shed until we get closer to the finish of the highway project.

Mr. Smith moved to give the Select board the sense of the Budget Committee to support the idea of using the interest payment of $21,833.00, towards the cost of the project. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Followed was a brief discussion concerning this being misleading to the public. The tax payers were told this money would be used as an interest payment this year. Mr. Smith noted at this time that the bond is different than we originally planned for. We can not pre pay the loan without a penalty like we had anticipated. Members of the Budget Committee asked if the salt shed money should be used first. Mr. Smith explained the salt shed money can be carried over to next year’s budget and the interest money cannot. The motion passed unanimously in favor.

The Budget Committee requested Ms. Shelnutt Brotman call Claudia Kern (Chair of the Energy Committee) and explain that the wood pellet boiler project needs to have more money to cover the costs of this part of the project. When this was voted at town meeting it was noted the Energy Committee would be fundraising the difference in cost for this project. The Budget Committee will revisit this issue in November.
Mr. Ryan, Mr. Smith and Ms. Shelnutt Brotman wished to thank all who have worked on this project in one way or another.

3) Fire Department:
a) Grants: Chief Hinsley informed the Budget Committee that they have just received a grant of $53,000.00 from FEMA. The grant is a 90%from FEMA and 10% from the Town. The Fire Department will take the 10% from their budget lines. This grant will allow the Fire Department to purchase turn-out gear for active members, pagers, and fast squad gear. The Fire Department had 24 members show up for drills and they have had more than 12 calls. With this grant the Fire Department will not need to request the extra funds for turn-out gear that they planned to request over the next two years. The Fire Department would like the Budget Committee to start a reserve fund for future needs. This will enable the department to replace gear all at once instead of a little at a time.
b) New Fire Truck: The new truck is a big hit.
c) ISO Project: ISO project is ahead of its original schedule. The dry hydrants are being installed by the Fire Fighter’s Association. They have had tanker drills and mutual aid drills; all of these drills are documented.
d) The Fire Fighters Association has received $70,300.00 outside of the tax base.
e) Fire Department future goals:
                1) Start the reserve fund for personal protective equipment & clothing.
2) Lyme Engine 3 is due to be replaced in 2007. The Fire Department would like to replace it in 2005 with the help of grant money. It is a $200,000.00 supply truck. The plan is to ask the town for $20,000.00 towards this truck. The money would come from the Heavy Equipment Fund. If the grant of $180,000.00 is not received the $20,000.00 will not be spent and will stay in the Heavy Equipment Fund. If the Town can purchase this truck with grant money and earlier in the capital reserve cycle it could save the town a tremendous amount of money.
3) Radio coverage. We do not have radio coverage in the village. The Fire Department will be putting a whip antenna on the building. The base radio will come from Hanover and be placed in the Lyme Fire Station. This will cost the Town about $4,500.00 and $ 329.00 per month for 6 months. The $4,500.00 will come from the Fire Department’s budget. The monthly payment will be requested in next year’s budget.
f) Old Engine # 2 is a 1974 tybo. The Fire fighters and the Selectmen voted to send this truck to Ecuador. Strafford, Thetford, and Hanover all sent used equipment and old supplies along with the truck.

Chief Hinsley noted that Lyme has very active members and we are in very good shape right now.

4) The draft calendar was reviewed. Carole Bont will be receiving the calendar from the State very soon. These dates will be checked and the calendar will be finalized at the next Budget Committee meeting.

5) The following information will be gathered and brought back to the next meeting.
*Mr. Cornwell: increase in property tax due to new construction.
*Mr. Brannen & Mr. Lehmann: Tax Rate.
*Mr.  Bardos: all school figures needed.
*Mr. Shelnutt Brotman will provide the remainder of the information.
*Mr. Jones: The Budget Committee would like to ask him to do the Capital Reserve Funds. (Mr. Brannen will call him)

The Budget Committee will then complete the projection worksheet. The Budget Committee needs to look at all the Capital Reserve Funds, and to continue to put money into the Capital Reserve Building fund in anticipation of setting up a new the Transfer station. It was recommended that somehow the Budget Committee should try to get a handle on the different building project needs in the Town.

At 9:00pm. Mr. Smith moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Bardos, voted unanimously in favor.

Reminder: Next meeting September 29, 2004 at 7:30pm. (Note different time)

Respectfully Submitted,

Dina Cutting