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Budget Committee Minutes 2004/01/05
Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
January 5, 2004
Lyme Town Offices

Present at this meeting: Selectmen: Richard Jones, Allan Newton and Peter A. Bleyler. Budget Committee Members: Gibb Cornwell, Mike Smith, Wayne Tullar, Jeff Lehmann, Josh Kilham, Chairman Barney Brannen, Earl Strout, Judy Shelnutt-Brotman, Freda Swan.   Energy Committee members: Tom Hughes and Carola Lea. Librarian Betsy Eaton, Library Trustee Alida Ciampa, Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, and Scribe Dina Cutting.

       The meeting was called to order at 7:40pm by Chair Brannen.
The meeting of December 17th, 2003 was canceled due to bad weather. Tonight is the rescheduled meeting with the change to 7:30pm to accommodate some Budget Committee members.

1) Mr. Jones moved to approve the minutes of the December 10th, 2003, meeting. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman. These minutes were voted unanimously in favor as submitted.

2) Chair Brannen reminded the members of the Budget committee as to where we left off and that all votes taken so far and tonight’s votes will be tentative.

3) Mr. Jones presented a draft proposal of changes to the Personnel Policies. These changes are only to clarify that vacation, sick, and personnel time be counted in increments of hours not days (see attached policy).

Mrs. Swan moved to accept the revised personnel policies as presented tonight. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell, voted unanimously in favor.

4) Mr. Jones requested the Budget committee add line “23A” at $ 500.00 to this proposed budget. The amount of $500.00 is being requested by the Energy Committee to do mailing, education, printing, or things of this nature. Followed was a brief discussion of what this committee will be doing in the way of educating community members about conserving energy. They also discussed how they could help the school, town garage and other town departments learn to conserve energy.

Mr. Jones moved to change line 24 to $126,813.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. It was noted at this time that there is support around town for this group. There was a brief discussion about changing this figure to $250.00. The motion was voted as presented ($126,813.00) 6 in favor, 2 opposed (Lehmenn and Swan). Mr. Brannen requested the minutes reflect that he abstained from voting on this motion because he is on the Energy  Committee.
5) The Committee decided to revisit the Highway Department’s request to increase the hourly compensation. Mr. Jones passed around various hand outs concerning hourly wages for surrounding towns, U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, New Hampshire, Vermont hourly wage comparisons, and Lyme Highway employee total hourly compensation, including benefits. The cost of alternative increase in wages is as follows:  If three employees receive a 5% raise and the other three stay the same as requested in the Selectmen’s budget request ($1,919.85). If three employees receive a 7.5% raise and the other three stay the same as requested in the Selectmen’s budget ($4,604.46). If nothing changes, support the Selectmen’s budget as requested.

Mr. Jones moved to add the figures to various lines within the budget that would be affected by an increase in wages of the Highway employees (5% raise) which total $1,920.00. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman.  Followed was a lengthy discussion concerning support for the raises, concern over changing the proposed raises for some employees and not others, job descriptions, and whether or not our highway employees are in the correct job classification. Each Selectman was asked to express how they would vote on this matter. All three explained that they would vote against increasing the hourly wages of the highway employees. The Selectmen felt they need to follow the Wage and Job Classification study prepared last year. The Selectmen also noted that they hope out of this will come better job descriptions, a list of job qualifications and longevity pay for all town employees. The motion was voted 2 in favor, 7 opposed (Tullar, Jones, Strout, Cornwell, Lehmann, Smith, Kilham).
The motion failed.

6) 2004 Budget  
The Budget Committee jumped forward to the Library in order to accommodate Ms. Ciampa(Trustee) and Mrs. Eaton(Librarian).

Line 357: Library

Mr. Jones moved line 357 at $110,944.00. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman. Library Trustee, Ms. Ciampa, explained the various changes to the library budget. She explained that the Trustees wanted an increase in working hours for the assistant’s positions, not the hourly wage increase the Selectmen have requested. There is a $4,000.00 difference in the Selectmen’s budget request and what the Library requested. The Selectmen’s request is higher than the Trustees’. Ms. Ciampa explained that the trustees were happy with what they had proposed for the Library employees’ hourly wages. Last year they had a 5% increase and this year a 3%. For the past two years it has been a priority for the Trustees to increase the Library assistant’s hours. The Trustees would not refuse this extra money but, they are not requesting the $4,000.00 presented in the Selectmen’s budget. It was noted the difference between the Departments budget and the Selectmen’s budget is the difference between what the Selectmen requested for the employee wages and what the Trustees requested in wages. The Budget Committee wanted to know if they left the extra money in the budget would the Trustees put this money towards wages or other things? Ms. Caimpa expressed she could not speak for the Trustees, but would discuss this with them.  The motion was voted 5 in favor, 4 opposed (Swan, Lehmann, Strout, Tullar).

Line 263 Solid Waste Collection: Mr. Smith moved line 263 at $34,741.00. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman, voted unanimously in favor.

Line 265 Solid Waste Disposal: Mr. Jones moved line 265 at $75,000.00. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman, voted unanimously in favor.

Line 284 Health Agencies & Hospital & Others:  Mr. Jones moved line 284 at $14,600.00. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman, voted unanimously in favor.

Line 291 Administration & Direct Assistance: Mr. Cornwell moved line 291 at $16,650.00. Seconded by Mr. Smith. The Budget Committee again discussed the possibilities of starting a Trust Fund for the Town Poor line. It was requested that Administrative Assistant, Carole Bont, gather information on this and report back to the Budget Committee.  The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

Line 324 Parks & Recreation: Mr. Jones moved line 324 at $67,231.00. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman. Followed was a discussion concerning the new Recreation Commission. Because this is a new Commission and things are being done differently, the Budget Committee would like to have the Chair of this Commission, Cathy Cramer, come to the meeting on January 14th, 2004. Mr. Bleyler will contact her and set this up.  The motion was withdrawn.

Line 363 Patriotic Purposes:  Mr. Jones moved line 363 at $7,500.00. Seconded by Mr. Kilham, voted unanimously in favor.

Line 375 Administration & Purchase of Natural Resources: Mr. Jones moved line 375 at $1,300.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell, voted unanimously in favor.

Line 379 Principal-Long Term Bonds & Notes:  Mr. Jones moved line 379 at $15,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Followed was a discussion on bonds and interest. After a recalculation the amount was changed to $16,666.00. Mr. Jones and Mr. Cornwell agreed to amend the motion. The motion was voted unanimously in favor for amended amount($16,666.00).

Line 381 Interest-Long Term Bonds & Notes: Mr. Jones moved line 381 at $13,125.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell, voted unanimously in favor.

Line 383 Interest on Tax Anticipation Notes: Mr. Jones moved line 383 at $10,000.00. Seconded by Mrs. Swan, voted unanimously in favor.

2004 Capital Expenses

Line 407  Machinery, Vehicles & Equipment:  Mr. Jones moved line 407 at $275,250.00. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman. Followed was a discussion concerning the mini-excavator.  It was the sense of the Budget Committee that for what little we would need to use this piece of equipment we should put off purchasing a mini-excavator for some other time. The motion was amended to subtract the $35,000.00 for the mini- excavator. The amended amount is $240,250.00. Mr. Jones and Ms Shelnutt-Brotman both agreed to the amendment. Motion for $240,250.00 passed unanimously in favor.

Line 426 Improvements Other Than Buildings: Mr. Jones moved line 426 at $120,500.00. Seconded by Mr. Strout, voted unanimously in favor.

Line 441 To Capital Fund: Mr. Jones moved line 441 at $ 171,000.00. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman, voted unanimously in favor.

Line 446 To Expendable Trust Funds: Mr. Jones moved line 446 at $10,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Smith, voted unanimously in favor.

The Revenue portion of the budget does not get voted on by the Budget Committee.

Next meeting will be Wednesday January 7th, 2004 at 7:00pm
The Budget Committee will be reviewing the School portion of the Budget for the next two meetings. The final vote on the budget will take place at the January 14th, 2004, meeting in order to be ready for the Public Hearing on January 21st, 2004.


Carole Bont: Find out if the Town can have a Trust Fund for the Town Poor.
Peter Bleyler: Invite Cathy Cramer to the January 14th, 2004, meeting to discuss the Recreation Commission.
Dina Cutting: Gather information on who is responsible for the outside grounds of the Library Building.

Mr. Smith moved to adjourn at 9:35pm. Seconded by Ms. Shelnutt-Brotman, voted unanimously in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Dina Cutting