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Budget Committee Minutes 2003/11/05
Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
November 5, 2003
Approved as amended 11-19-2003

Present at this meeting: Selectman: Richard Jones. Budget Committee Members: Gibb Cornwell, Mike Smith, Jeff Lehmann, Josh Kilham, Chairman Barney Brannen, Earl Strout, Wayne Tullar, Judy Shelnutt-Brotman, Freda Swan and School Board representative, Manton Copeland. Also present: Road Agent Fred Stearns III, Fire Chief Michael Hinsley, Fire Department members Doug Vogt, Dave Caffry, Michael Mundy, and Charles Ragan, Emergency Management Director Wallace Ragan, Town Clerk Patty Jenks, Police Chief Pauline Field and Officer Paul Roberts, Overseer of Poor Nancy Grandine, Library Trustee Alida Ciampa, Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Community member Tony Ryan and Scribe Dina Cutting.

       The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Chair Brannen.

In order to allow the members of the Budget Committee to read review the minutes of the September 10th meeting the approval of these minutes was postponed until the November 19th, 2003 meeting.

1. Chair Brannen reminded everyone that the purpose of this meeting was to hear directly from the Department Heads about their budget requests.  The Budget Committee will be asking questions but most of the discussion will take place at the next meeting on November 19, 2003. Chair Brannen informed all that a memo had gone out from the Selectmen to department heads to inform them of what the Budget Committee would be looking for in the way of increases in this coming budget process. Last year some department heads were frustrated and felt like they worked hard to come up with a budget request to only be cut in the end.  It was noted that some Department heads may not have received this memo. Mr. Jones stated the Selectmen encouraged the different department heads to request what they felt they needed.

        Budget presentations

Chief Field highlighted her budget request and noted she felt this came with in the recommended increase from the Budget Committee. Chief Field noted vehicle maintenance has increased and will be over budget this year, this line has been increased $1,000.00. Gasoline has been increased $200.00. The wage line includes an increase to the wages consistent with the second part of the pay and classification study with a 2% COLA. It was noted that Chief Field is a contracted employee and the Selectmen have not discussed her contract yet. Chief Field is requesting the Vehicle Capital Reserve fund be changed to replace the Police Cruisers every 5 years instead of 6. Followed was a brief discussion and recap of the town having two police vehicle, how many years is reasonable before you consider trading, and the rotation of replacing these vehicles.  It was requested that Chief Field report the mileage of these vehicles at the next Budget Committee meeting. It was noted that the Wage and benefit line will be under this year because we were without a police officer for several months. Questions were asked and answered conserving telecommunications, and uniform & equipment.  The Capital Reserve for computers has been increased to add in the Police Departments computers.

Mr. Stearns reviewed what has changed in the highway budget. Wages are the second part of the wage and classification study and the 2% COLA. Mr. Stearns is requesting an increase in hours from 200 to 600 (summer) and 200 to 300(winter) for the part time road crew employee. Mr. Jones informed the Budget Committee that an employee may need to have knee replacement surgery and the wages in this request reflect disability costs and coverage of another employee for this highway crew employee. Mr. Stearns is requesting the Vehicle Capital Reserve fund be changed to reflect 6 year replacement intervals instead of 10 for the ton trucks. These trucks seem to be having a lot of maintenance costs at the 7 and 8 year mark.

Ms. Grandine requested the same amounts as last year for her budget. Planning ahead and really knowing how many people will need help next year is tough. Followed was a discussion on how the Lyme Foundation and the Pearl Dimick funds may be playing a role in the fact that this year the need was much lower, and whether we should lower this amount or not.  The bottom line is you never really know how much the town will need to fulfill this obligation. The Budget Committee discussed the option of starting a trust fund for this line.

Mrs. Jenks reviewed and explained her requests for increases. Increase Town Clerk Supplies to $830.00. Mrs. Jenks informed the Budget Committee that she would be ordering a new book for town meeting minutes, and will be binding town reports for the future. These are expensive to do but are requirements we have no choice on. The option to add boat registrations to the Town office business was discussed as a source of revenue. It was noted that the increase in the election line is due to the presidential election.

Ms. Ciampa passed reviewed her handout for the Library budget. The new worksheet shows the break down of the Library Trustees, Town and School portions of this budget. Ms. Ciampa noted that the building repair line has increased due to repairs that are much need to this building. The Library Trustees enclosed a list of the unexpected repairs that had come up this year and money had not been put in the budget to cover such surprises. The Library Assistant hours have been increased in hopes of having this employee cover for Betsy if she is out. At times it is difficult to rely only on volunteers to cover all the time. The Trustees have also made a rule of two people working in the Library at all times for safety reasons. If the hours are increased for the Library Assistant this employee can essentially be on call. It was noted that there was some confusion last year concerning the Library Trustees “savings” account. Bob Anderson, Municipal Auditor for Department of Revenue has discussed this issue with Ms. Ciampa and Ms. Cole(Town Treasurer), this procedure will be double checked to make sure we do it right this year.

Mr. Ragan is requesting $1,500.00 for line 202 Emergency Management Plan. Mr. Ragan requested a new line be added to cover the costs involved in any shared grants we may receive. Mr. Ragan has applied for a community training grant for the Town wide Emergency Management Plan. Various community members will receive training for disaster preparing. This grant is a 50%-50%; he would like $2,000.00 in this line. Mr. Ragan listed the various grants that have been applied for this year. They involve Fire, Police, and Emergency Management Departments. This grant money will be used for a variety of things; clerical work to put together the new formatting for the Lyme Emergency Management Plan, Haz mat equipment, radio equipment, advanced communication capability for the police department, fire fighting equipment, FEMA approved protective clothing, Home Land I and Home Land II. So far the requested amounts in grants total $51,796.32.  It was also noted that the Lyme Foundation and the Utility Club donated towards the dry hydrant project going on in town. It was agreed that it was important to put money in the budget to help with the matching grant amounts.

Chief Hinsley reviewed the Fire Department budget. Total increase from last year is $3,910.00. Mr. Hinsley noted the dues line is up $2,000.00 because we have joined NH Midwestern Regional Haz Mat Team. This provides the town with a level of equipment that we would never be able to maintain on our own. In 3-5 years this membership fee will drop to $200.00-$500.00 per year. The maintenance and repair line has increased the need to maintain the truck at a safe level is very important. The roof at the Fire Station will be replaced soon. The amount of money requested in the training line has decreased. Because of the poor condition of our fire fighters gear the training center in Concord will not allow our crew to take part in these training sessions. Under major equipment Mr. Hinsley noted they have requested money for 5 sets of fire fighter clothing. The fire department will put 5 sets in each year until all 24 fire fighters have the proper gear. Followed was a discussion concerning mutual aid and how Lyme has supported surrounding towns. Lyme has an abundance of man power and is willing to share and help other towns. In return the other towns have help Lyme out with their lack of fire hose and various equipment needs. Chief Hinsley reported on the new fire truck the town will be purchasing. It was noted that this truck will come fully equipped and look very different than the ones we have now. This will be a four door cab, top mount pump. Mr. Strout reported that the Fire commissioners; Earl Strout, Lee Larson, and John North, have looked this proposal over and are supporting it. The four door cab will enable our fire fighters to be fully prepared for fire fighting before they get to the fire. Followed was a brief discussion on the need to set up a reserve fund for the fire fighters gear. Questions on getting caught up with the purchasing of the gear and then setting up a reserve fund or doing it now were discussed. The Budget Committee recommended the Fire department think about what they want to do, discuss it with the Selectmen and come back with recommendations.  
2. The capital reserve funds were briefly discussed.  It was noted that the 2005 figure to replace the chassis for the fire truck needs to be changed from $80,000.00 to $35,000.00. The Selectmen will firm up the price on the Cemetery mini-excavator. Followed was a brief discussion on the option of leasing this piece of equipment, sharing with another town, and whether we really need this piece of equipment. Mr. Hinsley commented on the need for specialized equipment in order to dig safely within our cemeteries. Mr. Jones will make the changes and discuss further with the Selectmen.

It was reported the Cathy Cramer (Chair) had sent an e-mail informing the Budget Committee she was out of town and could not be at this meeting. The budget is essentially the same as last year. The Athletic Fund line will be increased to match the amount of revenue that was taken in this year. This is a revolving fund so it will not affect the bottom line.

Ms. Bont reviewed various parts of the budget requests. This budget includes increases for training, new copier, perambulation, increase in hour for the Selectmen’s clerk and the addition of an assessing clerk. Ms. Bont explained that Diana Calder (town’s assessor) had previously resigned her position as town assessor. In the hopes of luring her back the Selectmen discussed various options of compensation.  Ms. Calder has requested reimbursement of mileage, reimbursement of hotel fees and an assessing clerk in order for her to stay at this job. We will have a town wide revaluation coming up because our equalization ratio is at 80.4 %( should be 95% or above). This will be required by the State and is very time consuming and expensive. If we contracted this out to a company it would cost the town $43,000.00. The cost to the town for a new assessing clerk (Elise Garrity) and Diana Calder will still be less than contracting out for this service. Timber tax costs are also a new item to this budget. The state has changed the requirements on charging timber tax. We will be paying a licensed forester to assess the quality of the wood in order to charge the appropriate amount in timber taxes. In the past the state has allowed the towns to charge an average for each category of wood cut. Hanover dispatch informed the town they will be having a 10% increase for the dispatching charges to the town. The ambulance cost will increase, they are having a 6% increase. The charge this year is $13.47 x 1702, plus we have to pay any unpaid ambulance bill generated from the town of Lyme.

3. Mr. Jones informed the Budget Committee he would revise the capital reserve work sheet as we go along. The changes in replacement years will make a big difference. The Budget Committee requested he e-mail and or get the figures to the Committee members before the next meeting to allow members time to look them over.
Reminder of the next meeting: NOVEMBER 19TH, 2003 7:00PM @ Town Offices
At 9:50pm Mr. Strout moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lehmenn.  Voted unanimously in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,

Dina Cutting