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Budget Committee Minutes 2003/02/12
Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
Board of Selectmen
Public Hearing
Town Office
February 12, 2003
                                                                Approved: February 19, 2003
                                                                      (By Board of Selectmen)

Present at this meeting; Selectman’s representative: Richard Jones. Budget Committee Members: Gibb Cornwell, Jeff Lehmann, Josh Kilham (arrived at 7:30), George Palmer, Earl Strout, and Barney Brannen. School Board representative: Manton Copeland. Chair of the School Board: Laszlo Bardos, Chair of the Select board: Allan Newton. Fire Chief: Michael Hinsley (arrived at 7:30).  Administrative Assistant: Carole Bont. Scribe: Dina Cutting.

Select Boards Public Hearing on article 13:

       The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chair Mr. Newton.

Mr. Jones went over the article for the budget committee. The monies raised for this Special Revenue Fund will be used for the Fireworks and special functions associated with this Independence Day celebration only. Followed was a brief discussion concerning the fact that because of insurance and auditing issues this needs to be set up this way. Questions concerning the use of these funds raised by the Fireworks celebration were asked and answered. It was stressed that the money raised from the Fireworks celebration was never used to supplement funding for any LAF (Lyme Athletic Fund) sport or function.

Mr. Jones moved to recommend Article 13 as presented.  Mr. Newton seconded. The motion was voted unanimously in favor by the Select board.

Mr. Strout moved to recommend Article 13 as presented. Mr. Lehmann seconded. The motion was voted unanimously in favor by the Budget Committee.

At 7:20 the Budget Committee Public Hearing began. Mr. Branenn is the acting Chair for this meeting.

It was reported that there were no petitioned warrant articles that involve money this year. This year the Budget Committee does not have to vote any other warrant articles separately. They have already been voted at previous meetings.  This is different than the past years.

Mr. Jones moved the minutes of the January 29, 2003 meeting. Seconded by Mr. Palmer. The motion was voted 5 in favor and 2 abstentions (Mr. Strout and Mr. Brannen).
The copies of the MS-7’s were signed by all Budget Committee members present.

Mr. Bardos briefly went over the School District Warrant Articles.
Article 6 was discussed and noted that any surplus monies up to $100,000.00 no matter what it was originally designated for will go into the High school tuition fund.

At this time Fire Chief Michael Hinsley requested he be allowed to address the Budget Committee.  Chief Hinsley is concerned about the budget cut of $5,000.00. Followed was a description of the failing equipment within the Lyme Fire Department, not trying to replace all equipment in one year, the increase in the fire department budget, fundraising, going to the Lyme Foundation. It was the sense of the Budget Committee to not increase the budget at this time.  

At 8:00 Mr. Srtout moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Palmer. The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dina Cutting