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Budget Committee Minutes 2003/01/29 (Public Hearing)
Town of Lyme
Budget Committee
Public Hearing
Town Office
January 29, 2003
                                                                Approved: February 12, 2003

Present at this meeting; Selectman’s representative: Richard Jones. Budget Committee Members: Gibb Cornwell, Mike Smith, Jeff Lehmann, Josh Kilham, George Palmer, Wayne Tullar, and Dick Justice. School Board representative: Manton Copeland. Chair of the School Board: Laszlo Bardos, Superintendent: Gordon Schnare. Administrative Assistant: Carole Bont. Conservation Commission Chair: Lee Larson. Community Members: Barbra Roby and David Roby. Spectator reporter: Mary Murray, Scribe: Dina Cutting.

       The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chair Smith.

Chair Smith explained this was a Public Hearing to present the Town and School budgets and listen to any comments. Then the Budget Committee will be voting on these budgets.

Changes to the minutes of the January 15, 2003 meeting were offered.
*Add representative to Mr. Jones’s title.
*Change Cornwell to Brannen in vote for line 279.
*Change Cornwell to Copeland in vote for line 435.
*Fix vote totals, change to 2 and 5 for original motion. (last page)
*Add Mr. Cornwell to the in favor list.
*Last vote change 3 to 2 and take Mr. Smith’s name out, he did not vote.

Mr. Lehmann moved the minutes of the January 29th, 2003 meeting, with corrections noted. Seconded by Mr. Kilham. The motion was voted unanimously in favor.

Town Budget: Mr. Jones gave a brief overview of the two new funds that will be set up this year. These will be a revolving Recreation fund and an Independence Day fund. These are housekeeping things, the auditors and the state statues require this new system. Mr. Jones reviewed the major initiatives. These would be the wage and classification study and the Fire Departments new roof.  The Selectmen were instructed to cut $15,000.00 from the budget at the last meeting. Mr. Jones reviewed the new cuts. $750.00 from the Conservation Commission line. $5,000.00 from the Fire Department major equipment line.  Mr. Jones explained that the Selectmen cut from these areas because they had other sources of funding.

Concerns were expressed over the fire department spending time fundraising and not training. Chair Smith noted the Budget Committee had asked for these cuts and should support the Selectmen in the cuts.

Public Comments: Lee Larson commented that cutting $15,000.00 from the budget only amounts to about $20.00 per tax payer. He felt these cuts would be taking away a lot for very little savings. He noted concern over cutting money from services and groups that do a lot for this town.
Followed were a few questions concerning communications costs, skiway taxes, and up coming road projects. Chair Smith thanked the public for there comments.

Mr. Cornwell moved the current year appropriations at $1,882,910.00. Seconded by George Palmer.  Voted unanimously in favor.

This year the Budget Committee will need to vote every warrant article separately. This is different than in the past years. February 12, 2003 will be the date for this meeting. The Budget Committee must discuss all articles in a public meeting then vote them.

Carole Bont will notice the necessary articles for the Town and the School.

School: Mr. Bardos briefly reviewed the school budget. Highlights touched on were special education, high school costs, partnering agreements with Thetford Academy and Hanover. Mr. Bardos explained that there had been a $10,000.00 error in the spread sheet. The School Board will not ask for an increase they will make the voted figure work.

Mr. Jones moved the total school funds requested at $3,396.832.00. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.

Chair Smith reminded everyone that these two budgets are the Budget Committees budgets. Each Department will be asked to explain and answer questions but the Budget Committee will need to defend these budgets at Town Meeting.

Reminder of the February 12th, 2003 meeting and that Mr. Brannen will be chairing this meeting in Mr. Smith’s absence.

Reminders for next year:
*Meet early on in the budgeting process with the representative of the School Board to discuss a % to shoot for so everyone will have a better sense of what is going on.

Mr. Jones moved to adjourn at 8:10pm. Seconded by Mr. Cornwell. Voted unanimously in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dina Cutting