ࡱ> k bjbj .D[f[f l l 8|y4&($6XXXFXXXDz6FZ{0IF < ` {X| l w: SOLID WASTE AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES July 8, 2019 Committee Attendance: Lynn Wiles, Rick Darveau, Paul Margolin, Joy Muller, Greg Warner, Gary Stewart, Duane Himes, and Bob Kerry (DPW liaison). Others: None Meeting started at 7:05 PM. Acceptance of June 2019 Meeting Minutes Project Status Composting Presently, 79 bins and 57 pails have been picked by those who had expressed an interest. Bob said that the NRRA delivered one less pallet of bins, so he will keep his eye on the invoices to make sure the Town does not get charged for that pallet. Eighteen residents who originally expressed an interest did not pick up their order of bins/pails. As such, there are 20 bins and 3 pails currently remaining in inventory. Bob requested the committee post monthly social media reminders announcing that bins and pails are available for purchase at the DPW office. In general, Bob and the committee members were pleased with the outcome of the program. Welcome Sign Relocation KC Signs has still not relocated the Welcome to Londonderry sign out by the Backyard Brewery. Paul contacted KC Signs and they said not to worry because they would do it before the snow flies. Paul will look into getting quotes for someone to move the sign in case the committee decides to not wait for KC to relocate it. Old Home Days Opportunities Lynn suggested that it would be good to have a booth at the Old Home Days celebration. The committee discussed the matter and decided that, based on past interest from the public, a booth would not be a wise investment of time and effort. Instead the committee is looking into locating some of the signs and graphics that have been used for recycling around the booths, maybe near where the waste/recycling bins are located that might make people think about recycling. Scouting Groups MRF Outreach Joy and the Girl Scouts visited Waste Managements recycling facility in Billerica on June 13th. Joy said that they were quite impressed with how items get recycled once the residents place it in the blue bin. NRRA Discussions Bob talked about what topics were presented and discussed at the NRRA conference in Manchester. He said they discussed the present recycling situation. Since China is no longer accepting recycling from the western world, American companies are looking at alternative ways to make recycling work. There are new technologies coming that take the recycling along with the municipal solid waste and they break it down into a lot of different streams for recycling and can further break the materials down into their molecular structure for processing. Duane verified that he had gone to a seminar where three different companies have developed a similar technology for breaking the waste down into these different streams. The companies were from Nova Scotia, Maine and San Francisco area. Bob said that he has had discussions with Waste Management about placing a sticker on any blue bins that have plastic bags that are noticeable from the outside. Greg Warner informed the committee that he was going to resign. Lynn asked him to formally submit a resignation letter to the committee chairman that we could then pass along to Kirby Brown. There will be no August SWEC meeting and the next meeting will be on September 9, 2019. Action Item Status Actions (Updated from meeting) Bob: Check on credit card usage at the Drop Off Center still working Joy: Working with Erin Brodman at the Access Center over the next few months on revisions to the HHW Day video by late summer still working Work with the Girl Scouts to prepare recycling signs for Old Home Day trash bins Paul: Re-visit Bobs request for recycling column updates still working Work with sign company to relocate he Rockingham Road Welcome Sign Contact Reid Clark and support Joy regarding deployment of bin signage at Old Home Day Greg: Research the DPW website to the purpose of writing a column about the Drop Off Center services Now un-assigned Rick: Use compost bin mailing list to survey people on how they heard of the compost bin sale Lynn: 1. Check with Hannafords about their reusable grocery bag program and parking lot signs still working 2. Consider producing a PSA on blue bags still working Meeting was adjourned at 9:00. Next meeting on September 9th.      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" # $ % & ' ( ) Oh+'0>l     $,4$NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND CHAPTER-SWANA[rtnipcontrolcode:unrestricted|rtnipcontrolcodevm:rpogc035|rtnexportcontrolcountry:usa|rtnexportcontrolcode:otherinfo|rtnexportcontrolcodevm:nousecvm|]Danielle RobackNormalHimes, Duane15Microsoft Office Word@@tA@|G @`z6G<VT$m 1k  !1.@Times New Roman---  2 ?0    0''@"Arial--- 42 n0 SOLID WASTE AND ENVIRONMENT        2 n0   2 n 0 COMMITTEE    2 nD0    "2 R0 MEETING MINUTES      2 0    2 o0 Ju  2 0 ly  2 0    2 0 8 2 0 , 201  2 0 9  2 0     2 0   @"Arial---  2 x0    2 x0 Com   (2 0 mittee Attendance:   2  0 Lynn Wiles,   2 e0 Rick Darveau,   2  0 Paul Margolin    2 0 ,  2 !0   2 ' 0 Joy Muller,   2 r0 Greg   2 x0 Warner,   2 0 G  2 0 ary Stewart    2 0 ,  2 0   %2 0 Duane Himes, and    "2 0 Bob Kerry (DPW    2 0 liaison  2 &0 )  2 +0 .  2 /0     2 x0    2 x0 Others:   2 0    2 0   2 0 None   2 0     2 x0   --- +2 x0 Meeting started at 7:     2 0 0  2 0 5  2 0   2 0 PM   2 20 . 2 60    2 =0     2 'x0   ------  2 8x0 A  2 8 0 cceptance of      2 80 June   2 80   )2 80 2019 Meeting Minutes     ---  2 80   ---  2 Ix0 Project Status       2 I0     2 Zx0     2 kx0   @Symbol---@"Arial------------  2 }0 ---  2 }0  --- 2 } 0 Composting  ---  2 }-0   @1Courier New---------  2 0 o ---  2 0  --- 2  0 Presently  2 E0 ,   2 M0 7  2 U0 9  2 ]0   2 b0 bins  2 0 and  2 0 57  2 0   2 0 pails  2 0   2 0 have  2 0   %2 0 been picked by th 2 k0 ose who    22 0 had expressed an interest.  2 0   ---------  2 0 o ---  2 0  --- _2 80 Bob said that the NRRA delivered one less pallet of bin   2 q 0 s, so he   2 0 will   2  0 k (2 '0 eep his eye on the  2 0 invoi 2 0 ces  2 0   "2 0 to make sure th   2 B0 e  2 J0   2 N0 Town    2 r0   2 v0 does n 2 0 ot   52 0 get charged for that pallet.  2 0    2 0   ---------  2 0 o ---  2 0  --- (2 0 Eighteen residents  2 0 who   2 0   2  0 originally  2 0   82 0 expressed an interest did not   2 0 pick up  2 ;0 their  2 W0   )2 [0 order of bins/pails.  2 0   =2 !0 As such, there are 20 bins and 3   F2 '0 pails currently remaining in inventory.   2 0   ---------  2 0 o ---  2 0  --- \2 60 Bob requested the committee post monthly social media      d2 %;0 reminders announcing that bins and pails are available for    42 60 purchase at the DPW office.   2 60   ---------  2 G0 o ---  2 G0  ---  2 G0 I 2 G 0 n  2 G 0 general,  2 GQ0 Bob and  2 G 0 the commi  :2 G0 ttee members were pleased with       42 X0 the outcome of the program.    2 X0     2 ix0   ---------  2 {0 ---  2 {0  --- 2 {0 Wel  )2 {0 come Sign Relocation      ---  2 {0   ---------  2 0 o ---  2 0  --- 2 0 KC Signs    2 E0   ,2 I0 has still not relocate >2 "0 d the Welcome to Londonderry sign    2 0 out b  2 (0 y  2 /0   +2 40 the Backyard Brewery.     2 0   2 0 Paul   2 0   52 0 contacted KC Signs and they     &2 0 said not to worry   2 x0 because  2 0   I2 )0 they would do it before the snow flies.     )2 0 Paul will look into   +2 }0 getting quotes for so 22 0 meone to move the sign in    &2 0 case the committee   2 0   I2 )0 decides to not wait for KC to relocate it    2 0 .  2 0     2 0   ---------  2 0 ---  2 0  --- 42 0 Old Home Days Opportunities         2 0   ---------  2 0 o ---  2 0  --- 2 0 Lynn  2 , 0 suggested  2 p0   U2 t10 that it would be good to have a booth at the Old     2 0 Ho  2  0 me Days cele   2 t 0 bration.  .2 0 The committee discussed    2 Q0   "2 T0 the matter and    2 $ 0 decided that 2 $W0 , bas D2 $x&0 ed on past interest from the public, a   2 $e0   2 $i0 booth   )2 50 would not be a wise   2 5 0 investment   2 50   )2 50 of time and effort.   2 5N 0 Instead the   2 F 0 committee   _2 FP80 is looking into locating some of the signs and graphics    k2 W@0 that have been used for recycling around the booths, maybe near    &2 h0 where the waste/re   52 h0 cycling bins are located tha 2 h5 0 t might make     2 y 0 people thi (2 yG0 nk about recycling.  2 y0    2 y0     2 0     2 0     2 0   "System0 0 --  00//..?qq ՜.+,D՜.+,t px  <Weston & Sampson, Inc.f #NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND CHAPTER-SWANAMeeting was adjourned at 9:00. 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