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Selectmen's Minutes 05/30/2018

Minutes of Meeting – May 30, 2018; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Dave Roche; Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Neal Maxymillian.  Absent:  Warren Archey.
MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to accept the Minutes of May 16.  4/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  August Danowski mentioned that the Rhubarb Festival will be held on June 9 from 9am-3pm in Roche Reading Park.  Kelly Brown mentioned that those individuals renting out rooms received a 5/24 notice from the Building Inspector.  While he is aware that the Planning Board is working on this issue, he would like to see the Selectmen become more involved so that the process can move along quicker.

Consent Agenda:  DR placed a Hold on the one-day license for the Library Association.  MOTION by DR, seconded by NM to approve the consent agenda as follows:  Approve a sandwich board sign for Laurie Donovan Designs; sandwich board sign for Birgit Marko, Design Menagerie; one-day A/A license to Ashley Sykes for 8/18 at Ventfort Hall; two, one-day W&M licenses to Guild of Berkshire Artists for 7/7 and 7/21 at the Welles Gallery; one-day W&M license to Linda Frelingheysen for 6/7 at the Lenox Library; two, two-week temporary banners to Guild of Berkshire Artists at the Lenox Library July 2-15 and July 16-29; approval to erect straw figure outside of the Library building; permission to erect house tour signs at Ventfort Hall from 6/4-6/9; temporary banner at the Library from June 1-14, announcing their fundraiser.   4/0 vote.  DR mentioned the specifics of the upcoming Library fundraiser.  MOTION by DR, seconded by NM to approve a one-day A/A license to the Lenox Library Association for 6/14.  4/0 vote.

EBGB’s Inc. d/b/a On a Roll Café & Catering Co. is seeking an annual Restaurant W&M liquor license at 55 Pittsfield Road.  DR read the legal notice as it appeared in the newspaper.  MOTION by EL, seconded by NM to open the public hearing.  4/0 vote.  Owner and manager David Barile, Jr. appeared before the Board to answer any questions.  The Board asked about his operating hours which he stated are currently Monday-Saturday, 7-3 and Sunday, 7-1.  MOTION by DR, seconded by NM to close the public hearing.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by NM to approve an annual restaurant W&M license to EBGB’s Inc. d/b/a On a Roll Café & Catering Co. for their establishment located at 55 Pittsfield Road.  4/0 vote.

Mass Audubon/Town of Lenox Land Swap:  The Board discussed the exchange of land owned by the Town for land owned by Mass Audubon.  Mass Audubon will own the School Lot, and the Town will own two parcels along West Dugway Road.  Town Planner Gwen Miller explained that there was a slight discrepancy in the language since the May 2017 ATM vote regarding this matter, and that there will be conservation restrictions on the two parcels.  MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to approve the revised recommended language as presented.  4/0 vote.

Liaison Assignments:  The Board determined who would like to serve as liaison to which departments, boards and committees for the upcoming year.  A list will be put together and sent out.

BOS Reports:  EL attended a meeting regarding the community garden.  The group is looking to place it in Lilac Park behind the chapel.  He asked that this topic be placed on the 6/13 agenda.  DR stated that the VFW wanted to thank the board for their support of the Memorial Day parade and activities.  NM mentioned that the school superintendent search is winding down.  Tim Lee has stated that he is willing to work with the new superintendent for a smooth transition.  KF reminded everyone about signing up for town emails.

Meeting adjourned at 7:38pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen