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Selectmen's Minutes 05/16/2018
Minutes of Meeting – May 16, 2018; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Dave Roche; Ken Fowler; Warren Archey; Ed Lane; Neal Maxymillian.
Chairman Roche welcomed Neal Maxymillian to the Board, replacing Channing Gibson who chose not to run at the end of his term.

MOTION by WA, seconded by EL to accept the Minutes of May 2.  4/0 vote with NM abstaining.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Pam Kueber mentioned that there would be a community marijuana forum  in the Town Hall at 6pm on June 5.  Katie Walick from the Library appeared before the Board to explain the Incredible Edibles program at the Library where kids learn to grow food that they then eat.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by WA, seconded by EL to approve the consent agenda as follows:  
accept a donation to the Police Department; accept a donation to the Fire Department; one-day W&M license to the Fire Company for 5/25 from 6-midnight at 26 Elm Street, Lenox Dale; one-day license to the VFW for Memorial Day.  5/0 vote.

The Colonial Carriage and Driving Society submitted an application seeking $3200 to support the Lenox Tub Parade on 9/8.  The Board typically receives and reviews the request at one meeting, followed by a vote at the second meeting.  They briefly discussed this issue among themselves.  MOTION by WA, seconded by EL to pass to the Board’s May 30 meeting.

The Board briefly discussed the meals tax, noting that it was down 3% overall.  However, the room occupancy tax is up over $30,000 or 4.9%.

MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to appoint Ken Fowler as chairman.  4/0 vote with KF abstaining.  MOTION by EL, seconded by NM to appoint Dave Roche as clerk.  4/0 vote with DR abstaining.

BOS Reports:  WA stated that he is working with Bill Gop to locate troublesome trees around town that need taking care of.  EL stated that the DPW has done a good job at completing the capping of the landfill.  He also mentioned that he would like to schedule a Permanent Building Committee meeting to discuss and plan for a public safety building and a WWTP.  DR updated the members on the annual Lenox Dale and Lenox Memorial Day activities.  He mentioned that the Library will be holding an annual fundraiser on June 14.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen

List of Documents:  Donation e-mail; Application for Special Event Support