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Selectmen's Minutes 02/21/2018

Minutes of Meeting – February 21, 2018; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Dave Roche; Ken Fowler; Warren Archey; Channing Gibson; Ed Lane.
MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to accept the Minutes of February 7.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to approve the consent agenda as follows:  Appointment of Janice Durfee as a Registrar of Voter; appointment of Jeff Clemons as ADA Coordinator.  5/0 vote.

BNRC/High Road Project:  Mackenzie Greer from BNRC and Becky Cushing from MA Audubon appeared before the Board to update them on the High Road project, and to obtain their approval of the Memorandum of Understanding agreement between Berkshire Natural Resources Council, the Town and MA Audubon Society.  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between BNRC, MA Audubon and the Town of Lenox.  5/0 vote.

Water/Sewer Rate Setting Public Hearing:  The Clerk read the ad as it appeared in The Berkshire Eagle.  MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to open the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  The TM gave a brief report on the water and sewer operations, and stated that he is recommending a 2.5% increase to the water rates ($7.63/1000 gallons to $7.83/1000 gallons) and a 2.5% increase to the sewer rates ($11.79/1000 gallons to $12.09/1000 gallons).  He stated that the Town is seeing a decrease in consumption.  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to close the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to approve the TM recommendation, and to increase the water rates 2.5% ($7.83/1000 gals.), and sewer rates 2.5% ($12.09/1000gals.).  5/0 vote.

FY19 TM Recommended Budget:  No discussion.  The CAO informed the Board that the FinCom has begun their process, and will be meeting with him tomorrow night.

BOS Reports:  KF went through the February anniversaries.  WA mentioned that there is a Rest of River meeting on 2/23 and a Lenox Land Trust meeting on 3/8.  He will update the Board on the outcome of these meetings.  CG stated that the BRTA has a tentative agreement to avert the strike.  He mentioned that students from Columbia University will be in Lenox on 2/23 to work with the Environmental Committee on sustainability.  He also mentioned that the Town is still accepting applications for the Youth Services Coordinator position.  Finally, he mentioned that this will be his last meeting.  He is going to LA to work on a movie, but could be available remotely if necessary.  He will be back for the Annual Town Meeting in May.  DR stated that the 250th committee finished up with their final event earlier tonight.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen