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Selectmen's Minutes 10/04/2017

Minutes of Meeting – October 4, 2017; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Dave Roche; Ed Lane; Ken Fowler; Warren Archey; Channing Gibson.
MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to accept the Minutes of September 20.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Tom Delasco, 12 Hillside Drive, stated his concern over the parking situation during Apple Squeeze.  He felt as though there were no controls in place, and suggested that the Town consider prohibiting parking in residential areas and/or utilizing shuttle busses in the future.  Olga Weiss went through where parking will be available during the 250th parade on Saturday, and stated that shuttle busses will be used.  Katie McNulty-Vaughan informed the Board that there will be a Land Trust meeting/walk around at Post Farm on Sunday, October 15 from 11am-1pm.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to approve the consent agenda as follows:  approve one-day W&M license to Ventfort Hall for Sunday, 10/15 from 5-9pm; one-day W&M license to St. Ann Church for Sunday, 10/15 from 1-5pm in the Family Center; one-day W&M license to Mark Babbitt for Friday, 10/6 from 5-9pm in the Community Center Ballroom; approve the request for a plaque on the Library sign; approve two, one-day A/A licenses to MRM Hospitality LLC, for Friday, 10/13 from 7-11pm and Saturday, 10/21 from 5-11pm at the Lenox Library.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to approve 30, one-day W&M licenses to Neal Sprague, Manager of TIF Restaurants, LLC for 55 Pittsfield Road, Unit #2 on the dates as presented with a closing time of 1am on all dates.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to approve a temporary sandwich board sign in front of the Town Hall building from October 21-28.  5/0 vote.

Planning Board Update:  Tom Delasco from the Planning Board appeared before the Board to update them mainly on the marijuana legislation and zoning by-law amendments.  He explained that the Planning Board would like to wait until the May ATM to bring any zoning by-law amendments before the voters.  The state will be sending out their guidelines in March which will be helpful as the Board creates a by-law change regarding the sale of recreational marijuana.  He went on to explain that since the Town voted in the affirmative for marijuana, there is a two-step process that needs to happen:  1) Town Meeting proposed by-law amendments which requires a 2/3 majority vote; and 2) Ballot vote which requires a simple majority.  He then went on to state that the Board would like to request funding at the November STM to hire a consultant to assist with the updating of the 1999 Master Plan.  Other issues before the Planning Board currently include affordable housing, parking and Lenox Dale zoning.

Library MOU:  At the previous Selectmen’s meeting, the Lenox Library Association approached the Board about the possibility of the Town taking over the Library as a Town Department.  They agreed to discuss it further, and take a vote on the proposal at a later date.  The Board has now had an opportunity to review the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town and the Library Association.  Librarian Amy Lafave explained the issue of the state waiver, and that with a town appropriation at the upcoming STM, the need for a waiver would be omitted.  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town and the LLA, subject to approval and appropriation at the STM, and approval by Town Counsel.  5/0 vote.  DR explained some of the efficiencies that could occur by bringing the Library under the Town government.  He went on to explain that this issue would need to be approved by the Attorney General, and since having this in place by the beginning of the fiscal year makes the most sense, this item would be placed on the November STM warrant.  He went on to say that it is important that the residents understand the reasoning behind this move, and that we need to have god answers, especially with regard to the financial picture.  The CAO stated that in addition to the library article, he is suggesting articles for funding for the Master Plan, funding to complete work to cap the landfill, a by-law change for our revolving funds and equipment items for the fire department.  Possible dates discussed for the meeting were 11/2 or 11/16.

BOS Reports:  CG stated that the beach project is coming along nicely.  The CPC would like the Board’s priority on the town projects.  He brought up the BRTA and transportation.  There is a large segment of people who utilize the bus, but funding is an issue in expanding the schedule.  BNRC received a grant for the pathway at Parson’s Marsh.  He then mentioned a desire to have signage erected naming Route 20 as a historical route.  WA read the letter he drafted to the Governor regarding the clean-up of PCBs.  He was asked to tweak the letter for the next meeting.  KF mentioned that the Environmental Committee will have electric cars at Shakespeare as part of the 250th events, and that real estate taxes are due on 11/1.  EL stated that the Henry Avenue pump station now has a completion timeline, and that the Permanent Building Committee will be performing an assessment of the Library building.  He also mentioned that the Center School building needs to be looked at.  DR briefly mentioned those that have worked so hard putting together the 250th events/parade.

Meeting adjourned at 8:23pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen

List of Documents:  Three, One-Day W&M license requests; thirty, one-day W&M license requests; request for temporary sandwich board sign; e-mail regarding wording on the Library sign plaque; Library MOU; two, one-day A/A license requests.