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Selectmen's Minutes 08/23/2017
Minutes of Meeting – August 23, 2017; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Dave Roche; Channing Gibson; Ken Fowler; Warren Archey.  Absent:  Ed Lane.
MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to accept the Minutes of August 9.  4/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Jan Chague reminded everyone that the 250th committee is holding an event this Friday, 8/25 from 3-5pm at the Duffin Theatre on the history of Music Inn.  Carol Visker explained to the Board her difficulties with accessing the beach.  CG informed her that her concerns will be resolved as the Town will begin work on an accessibility project at the beach sometime in September.  Mark Shapp mentioned several DPW-related issues he felt needed attention.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to approve the consent agenda as follows:  
Acceptance of donation to Police Department.  4/0 vote.

Librarian Amy Lafave updated the Board on current activities, including their upcoming annual book sale, new sign and front steps and new personnel addition to the staff.

The Board received a request from Blantyre seeking permission to have an amplified, 7-9 piece band perform on the lower lawn behind the Main House on the south side of the property for a wedding on 9/23 from 5pm-1am.  In addition, they are seeking to extend the hour to serve alcohol from 1am to 2am.  CG stated that he felt that it was a reasonable request, but DR had some concern over the volume of the music.  In addition, he wondered if the guests would be staying at Blantyre or leaving the premises.  The General Manager from Blantyre stated that not all guests are staying at Blantyre.  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to grant a temporary amendment to the A/A and Entertainment licenses held by Blantyre as requested, with the understanding that should the Town receive a complaint, the Town will need to shut things down.  4/0 vote.

At the Board’s 8/9 meeting, the CAO presented the Board with draft FY2018 goals and objectives, which they wanted to review further and asked that they be discussed at tonight’s meeting.  DR stated that he believes all of these goals and objectives are on everyone’s radar.  CG questioned if the May ATM would have seniority status if the Town went to two annual town meetings.  Overall, the Board felt that the CAO had put together an appropriate list.

Housing Production Plan:  Town Planner Gwen Miller gave an overview of the updated Housing Production Plan.  She explained that the Town needs to provide 10% of housing to low and moderate income households.  Lenox is currently at 7.2%, and needs to add sixty units over the next five years.  She went on to say that in order to get the plan certified, the town must show progress toward attaining the 10% goal.  MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to adopt the 2017-2021 Housing Production Plan as presented by the Town Planner.  4/0 vote.

The Board then held a discussion as to what proposals/projects they want to submit for Community Preservation funding.  The deadline for Round One is September 1.  Some of the projects mentioned included a feasibility study for a pathway throughout town and acquisition of land.  It was agreed that the Town should move these projects forward and put together the applications.

The Board then held a very brief discussion regarding street closures for Apple Squeeze.  DR stated that he did not want the Board to vote on anything at this meeting, and that he would like to hear input from the merchants and residents before the Board acts on this request at their 9/6 meeting.

BOS Reports:  CG reminded everyone that Round One CPC applications are due on 9/1, and that the bathhouse work will begin in September.  He also mentioned that he attended the open house at 33 Main and what a great addition to Town they are.  WA stated that he is working on the letter to the Governor regarding PCBs and will have it ready shortly for the Board to review.  DR stated that he attended a 250th parade committee meeting earlier today, and that it is shaping up to be a wonderful event.  KF went through the employee anniversaries, mentioned that next Wednesday is the last concert in Lilac Park for the season, and reiterated CG’s comments about the open house at 33 Main.

By roll call, CG, DR, KF and WA voted to go into Executive Session at 9:03pm to discuss strategy with respect to property acquisition.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen

List of Documents:  Police Department donation e-mail, letter from Blantyre seeking amendments to their licenses for an event, draft list of goals and objectives, Housing Production Plan information, letter regarding Paris Climate Agreement.