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Selectmen's Minutes 06/28/2017
Minutes of Meeting – June 28, 2017; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Dave Roche; Channing Gibson; Ed Lane; Ken Fowler; Warren Archey.
The Chairman thanked Diana Kirby for her 16 years of service to the Town; she retires effective June 30.

MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to accept the Minutes of June 14.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to approve the consent agenda as follows: sandwich board sign to Scott Barrow at 17 Housatonic Street; temporary sign to the Church on the Hill to announce their craft fair 7/29-30; approve/support 5th annual Bike-N-Fly Cycling event to be held on 8/19; acceptance of monetary donation to the Community Center; approve three end-of-year transfers between appropriations as presented.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by WA, seconded by KF to approve a one-day W&M license to the Lenox Dale Fire Company for 7/8 from 6pm-midnight for their block party on Crystal Street.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to authorize the chairman to execute an Intermunicipal Agreement with the Town of Lee for a shared Assistant Chief Administrative Officer to focus on Human Resources.  5/0 vote.  It was noted that this individual will be a Town of Lee employee.

The Board was presented with several contracts for execution as part of the shared services agreement with the Town of Lee.  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to execute a one-year Personal Service Agreement for the Chief Administrative Officer to serve in the Town Lenox, effective July 1, 2017.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by WA, seconded by CG to execute an Intermunicipal Agreement between the Towns of Lee and Lenox for a shared Chief Administrative Officer,  as well as a Personal Service Agreement for the Town Manager to serve in the Town of Lenox, effective July 1, 2017.  5/0 vote.  

Valley Street Bridge:  MOTION by WA, seconded by KF to execute the Acceptance of the Grant of Easement with the MA Department of Transportation, subject to approval of the final document by the Town Manager and Town Counsel, and, with the authority of the vote taken under Article 2 of the November 29, 2016 Special Town Meeting, to take, for the purpose of undertaking the Valley Street Bridge Improvement Project, a fee interest, and permanent and temporary easements in, on, under and along certain parcels of land lying within, abutting or near Valley Street.  5/0 vote.

BOS liaison reports:  KF announced that Pam Kueber is now the chairman of the Planning Board.  EL stated that the Henry Avenue pump station project should be completed within the next few weeks, and that the Lee Road project is now underway.  In addition, the heating system at the Community Center is progressing nicely.  He then gave a brief update on the request from Crane Health to open a medical marijuana facility in Lenox Dale.  He explained that the mill building was going to be more work than they anticipated and that they need to step back from the project.  The Board briefly discussed the building itself, the zoning and what the Town learned from this experience.  WA stated that he wants to draft a letter to the Governor seeking help on the Rest of River issue.  DR stated that he attended the grand opening of the Courtyard Marriott, and was impressed with how nice it is.

By roll call, CG, DR, EL, KF and WA voted to go into Executive Session at 7:35pm to discuss strategy with respect to potential land acquisition for downtown municipal parking.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen

List of Documents:  Sandwich Board sign application; Temporary sign request letter; Letter outlining 5th annual Bike-N-Fly cycling event; Donation letter to the Community Center; Three end-of-year transfer forms; One-day W&M application from Lenox Dale Fire Co.; Intermunicipal Agreement for Shared ACAO; ACO Personal Service Agreement; Exhibit A-Intermunicipal Agreement between the Towns of Lee and Lenox; Exhibit B-TM Personal Service Agreement; Valley Street Bridge Order of Taking.