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Selectmen's Minutes 03/22/2017
Minutes of Meeting – March 22, 2017; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; Ed Lane; Ken Fowler; Warren Archey.
MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of March 8.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Kate McNulty Vaughan informed the Board that there will be another Fix-It Fair at the Community Center on Saturday, April 22 from 1-4pm.  Librarian Amy Lafave then gave a brief report on what activities have been and will be occurring at the library.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to approve the consent agenda as follows:
a one-day A/A license to Flying Deer Nature Center for a fundraiser on Saturday, March 25 from 7-10pm at the Community Center; one-day W&M license to Olga Weiss for a fundraiser for the
250th celebration on Friday, April 7 from 8-10pm at Ventfort Hall; seasonal A/A club license to Boston Symphony Orchestra for Seranak; appointment of Arlene Schiff to the Cultural Council.  5/0 vote.  The TM explained the need to update the Fire Department’s Mutual Aid Agreement.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to accept MGL Chapter 48, Section 59A.  5/0 vote.

The TM mentioned the many e-mails received by the office regarding the farmer’s market being located in the center of town, with almost all of them in favor.  The Board then held a discussion regarding the farmer’s market being held again this year in the center of town, but agreed not to make a decision until their next meeting.  CG questioned if the Board should consider the Chamber guidelines as part of the farmer’s market application, to which the Chamber Director stated he believes that the guidelines are acceptable to the farmer’s market individuals.  EL stated that the Board agreed to a trial run last year at this location, but there were many people that were not happy about this location.  There was some discussion as to the maintenance of the grass.  DR stated that he is concerned about traffic congestion with people crossing the street and holding up traffic.  KF had a concern with the market selling before the posted time.  WA has issues with the location, but likes the guidelines and feels they may help.  Joe Nejaime stated his concerns with the farmer’s market location, and feels that they should have to work under the same regulations and guidelines as the businesses do.  Kate McNulty Vaughn mentioned that to allow seasonal outdoor displays would require a special permit from the ZBA.  CG reminded everyone that this Board is being asked for permission to utilize town property for a farmer’s market, and has nothing to do with sidewalk sales or Chamber guidelines.  Market manager Joanna Hunter agrees with the Chamber guidelines except for the unloading at 12 noon requirement.  She stated that she will have more vendors (possibly two) than last year if allowed.  CG questioned if the day and time could be changed, or is there a reason for a Friday afternoon.  Several other individuals spoke in favor of the farmer’s market, questioning why wineries are not allowed, stating that ample time is needed to set up, and that the market is a benefit and service to the Town.  It was agreed to place the Chamber guidelines on the Town website, and to place this item on the 4/5 Selectmen’s meeting agenda.

The TM went through additional changes to the proposed FY18 budget based on the Board’s March 13 budget meeting.  After incorporating these latest updates, the total net tax impact will be $30,732.  It was agreed that one more working session is needed to finalize the budget.

The Town received three Tax Assessment Applications; Marriott, Lenox Manor and Morrison.  Planner Gwen Miller stated that the Town could 1) approve the agreement on file with the Town Clerk; 2) determine how to make sure that benchmarks needed are being met; and 3) how to revoke the agreement should the benchmarks not get met.  DR suggested that a certified auditor review the books to determine if the benchmarks are being met.  The TM stated that the next step would be to determine the interest of the firms that wish to continue on with this process.

The TM presented the Board with a job description for an Assistant Chief Administrative Officer as part of the Shared Services Agreement with Lee.  He explained that this person would also serve as the human resources component.  KF stated that the ARC will meet again on 4/3 to draft a final version of the Intermunicipal Agreement.  This item will be placed on the 4/5 Selectmen’s agenda.

BOS Liaison Reports: DR stated that he is upset that Comcast has decided to remove Channel 14 from the cable line up.  This is the only channel that carries MA news (Springfield station).  WA stated that he and the TM will be attending a Rest of River meeting on Friday, and will update the Board accordingly.   By roll call, CG, DR, EL, KF and WA voted to go into Executive Session at 8:40pm to discuss strategy with respect to litigation, collective bargaining with both union and non-union personnel and acquisition and disposition of real property.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen