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Selectmen's Minutes 03/08/2017
Minutes of Meeting – March 8, 2017; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; Ed Lane; Ken Fowler; Warren Archey.
The Chairman reminded everyone that the deadline to return nomination papers is March 20.

MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to accept the Minutes of February 22.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  August Danowski updated the Board on the 4th annual Rhubarb Festival.  He stated that they were asked to change their date from Memorial Day weekend, and that the new date is now June 10.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to approve the consent agenda as follows:
a one-day W&M license to Paula Downer for a fundraiser for Lenox Fire, Lenox Baseball and Lenox Softball on Saturday, March 11 from 6-10pm at the Lenox Sportsmen’s Club; acceptance of monetary donation to the Fire Department.  5/0 vote.

The Chairman of the Community Preservation Committee appeared before the Board to review the three projects approved for funding by the committee:  Ventfort Hall, $30,000 for emergency masonry stabilization; Berkshire Natural Resources Council, $235,000 for trail and boardwalk creation to Parson’s Marsh; The Mount, $75,000 to replace windows and doors on the Stable building.

Discussion on STA Applications: The Town received three Tax Assessment Applications; Marriott, Lenox Manor and Morrison.  Land Use Director Gwen Miller was present to go over the scoring of the applications, and to bring the analysis before the Board for their review.  In addition, she explained the difference between an STA and a TIF.  She stated that the Assessors weighed in on this topic, and are happy to have a policy to use to entice more businesses to town.  It was noted, however, that all three of these businesses came into town without the benefit of a TIF/STA.  

Water/Sewer Rate Setting Public Hearing:  The Clerk read the ad as it appeared in The Berkshire Eagle.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to open the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  The TM gave a brief report on the water and sewer operations, and stated that he is recommending a 2.5% increase to water rates ($7.63/1000 gallons) and a 2.5% increase to sewer rates ($11.79/1000 gallons).  He is also recommending that the board revisit the rates in six months.  This would amount to an average increase of $9 for water and an average increase of $14 for sewer.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to close the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to approve the TM recommendation, and increase water rates 2.5% ($7.63/1000 gals.), and sewer rates 2.5% ($11.79/1000gals.).  5/0 vote.

FY18 Budget Update:  The TM updated the list of adjustments to the proposed FY18 budget, which amounts to an additional $10,236.  DR brought up the volunteer firefighters stipend, and asked that this line item be increased by $10,000 to a new total of $40,000.  EL gave a brief history of the stipend policy as to what is required to obtain it.  A meeting to review the proposed budget and review warrant articles was set for Monday, 3/13 at 1pm.

Shared CAO with Town of Lee:  The TM gave a brief overview of the proposed draft intermunicipal agreement with the Town of Lee.  He would like to receive comments back from the Board by March 17 so that the final draft version can go before the Board at their March 22 meeting.  DR suggested that the two boards of selectmen meet to get to know each other better.  WA stated that he would like to see this issue go on the Town Meeting warrant.

BOS Liaison Reports:  CG stated that work continues on the housing plan.  DR stated that work continues with the library in the hopes of identifying how the Town can make operations more efficient for them.  WA brought up the Housatonic River clean up, and how we need to keep our eye on this issue.  EL stated that funding for the Community Center heating system will be on the ATM warrant.  He also mentioned that work has begun to get Housatonic Street on the TIP list as we did with Walker Street.  CG stated that he would like to see bike lanes as part of the project. EL stated that they are required to be part of the project.  KF stated that the Planning Board continues their work on warrant articles for the ATM.

By roll call, CG, DR, EL, KF and WA voted to go into Executive Session at 8:10pm to discuss strategy with respect to negotiations with union personel (Teamsters Local 404).

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen