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Selectmen's Minutes 08/24/2016
Minutes of Meeting – August 24, 2016; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Warren Archey; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Ken Fowler; Dave Roche.
The clerk reminded everyone, once again, that the Richmond Mtn. Road project has begun.  There will be a partial closure of the road during the day with the roadway opening up each night.  On 9/6, however, the roadway will be closed Monday-Friday.

MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to accept the Minutes of August 10.  4/0 vote with DR abstaining.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

Consent Agenda:   A Hold was placed on the Coaching Weekend to allow Harvey Waller to explain the event.  Mr. Waller explained that the event will run as it has in past years.  No issues have ever occurred.  This is a guilded age sporting event, enjoyed by individuals from other parts of the country who visit to participate in this unique event.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to grant permission for the Berkshire Coaching Weekend to occur on the weekend of October 8-10; two one-day W&M licenses to the Chamber of Commerce for Saturday and Sunday, 9/24 and 9/25 from 10am-6pm for a fenced in area on Main Street as part of Apple Squeeze activities.  5/0 vote.
Verizon/MA Electric Public Hearing, Pole Locations:  A representative from Verizon/MA Electric came before the Board seeking permission to install two new poles, wires, cables and fixtures on Pittsfield Road to provide for the distribution of intelligence and telecommunications and for the transmission of high and low voltage electric current.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to open the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  There was a brief explanation as to what they want to do and why.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to close the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to grant permission to Verizon/MA Electric to install two new poles, wires, cables and fixtures on Pittsfield Road to provide for the distribution of intelligence and telecommunications and for the transmission of high and low voltage electric current.  5/0 vote.

Rest of River:  WA explained that the ROR meeting scheduled for earlier today lacked a quorum, so no business was conducted.  He went on to state that he would like to require GE to look into the feasibility of utilizing chemistry that would take care of the PCBs, and that he would like to have the majority of the ROR committee back this request.  DR commented that we should follow closely the dredging of the Hudson River in New York.  After years of dredging, the river continues to be filled with PCBs.

Solar Projects: The TM updated the Board on a meeting regarding connecting up with a project in Billerica for virtual net metering credits.  He requested approval from the Board to execute such an agreement once it has been approved by legal counsel.  MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to authorize the TM to execute a virtual net metering agreement with Iron Horse Solar 4 LLC on behalf of the Board of Selectmen as authorized under Article 25 of the warrant for the 2015 Annual Town Meeting.  5/0 vote.

BOS Liaison Reports:  CG stated that applications for CPC funds are due Thursday, 9/1 no later than 4pm for the first phase of the application process.  DR thanked the Town for their support of the VFW lobster bake.  He also stated that the Library enjoyed another successful book sale.  WA mentioned that two trees at the high school were removed.  They were diseased, with one dropping a large limb some time ago.  EL reiterated the information about the Richmond Mtn. Road closure, stated that the Henry Avenue treatment plant project is moving along, that the paving at Morris School is complete and that the paving of various roads will begin next week.  KF thanked John Davidson for his participation in the Concerts in the Park series, and mentioned that there are only two concerts remaining for this season.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen