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Selectmen's Minutes 07/27/2016
Minutes of Meeting – July 27, 2016; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Warren Archey; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; Ken Fowler.
The chairman mentioned that the International Film Festival had a very successful movie night last evening.

MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of July 13.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

Consent Agenda:  A Hold was placed on the solicitation request.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to approve a one-day W&M license to William Keane for 7/30 from 4-11pm at Ventfort Hall; one-day W&M license to Ventfort Hall for 8/10 from 7:30-10:30pm; one-day A/A license to Ben Pignatelli for 9/16 from 7-10:30pm at the Library; temporary sign to Toole Companies at his Courtyard Hotel project location; permission to utilize Lenox roads on 9/18 for the 40th annual Josh Billings RunAground.  5/0 vote.  Bronwyn Niece from Edward Jones was seeking permission to go door-to-door introducing herself and her company.  After a brief discussion, EL stated that he feels as though it is almost a policy that the Town denies these types of requests.  Both the Board and the police agree that it is best not to allow this activity in Town.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to deny the request from Edward Jones to solicit within Town.  5/0 vote.

The TM presented the name of Brenda (BJ) Church for his appointment as the Town’s Building Commissioner.  She will begin work as the Lee/Lenox Commissioner on August 15.  Current Commissioner Don Fitzgerald spoke highly of her qualifications, and feels that she will be a great addition to the office.  Ms. Church then introduced herself, and stated that she is very excited about this shared position between Lee and Lenox.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to ratify the appointment of Brenda (BJ) Church as the Lee/Lenox Building Commissioner, effective August 15, 2016.  5/0 vote.

The TM then presented the name of Paula Downer for his appointment as the Town’s new treasurer.  She will begin work on August 1.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to ratify the appointment of Paula Downer as Town Treasurer Designee, effective August 1, 2016 and as Town Treasurer, effective September 1, 2016.  5/0 vote.

The Board was asked to consider entering into an intermunicipal agreement with the Town of Lee to share a valve exerciser and trailer.  The agreement has been reviewed and approved by Lee’s town counsel, and the Lee Selectmen have signed off on it.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to enter into an intermunicipal agreement with the Town of Lee for a valve exerciser and trailer.  5/0 vote.

The TM presented the Board with an FY2017-19 DPW Collective Bargaining Agreement for their approval.  It agrees to a 2% COLA over each of the next three years, as well as other misc. items which will  bring them into line with various portions of the Town’s personnel policy.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to approve the FY2017-19 DPW Collective Bargaining Agreement as presented.  5/0 vote.  CG stated that he is very disappointed about the fact that DPW workers will no longer handle on-call emergencies in other towns.  The TM assured the Board, however, that other arrangements have been made for the Towns’ equipment to be used with DPW personnel from other towns trained on how to use it.

On 7/21, bids were opened for road paving and related work which includes Brunnel, Yokun, Sunset, Kneeland and the Morris School parking lot.  LB Corp. submitted the low bid of $467,786, which was substantially under budget due to the exceptionally low cost of asphalt.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to award the bid to LB Corp. at a cost of $467,786 for paving and related work.  5/0 vote.

Chamber Director Kameron Spaulding came before the Board seeking permission to close a portion of Main Street from the monument to the intersection of Sunset/Housatonic Streets as part of Apple Squeeze.  They would like to install a stage on Main Street for live music.  He stated that he would like to close this area off from 9:30am-7pm on the Saturday, and from 10am-5pm on Sunday.  In addition, the lane closest to the Adams Community Bank would be closed all weekend for storage of the stage.  He has spoken with both banks, and they are fine with these plans.  He went on to explain that vendors will be on both sides of Main Street, allowing more room between vendors to alleviate some of the congestion.  This will allow for an additional 25 vendors.  Vendors will park in the parking lot located to the rear of the bank.  Shuttle busses will be available to bring people into the downtown area.  When questioned about how the businesses feel about this proposal, he admitted that some like the idea and some do not.  EL asked Kameron to conduct a poll to bring into the next BOS meeting.   After listening to this plan, the TM suggested that the Board not take a vote until their next meeting on August 10.

Rest of River:  No public update.

Solar Projects:  The ConCom is expected to give their final approval on the project on July 28.  Ameresco has submitted the project to MA DEP for their approval.  They are currently responding to follow-up questions from DEP.  

BOS Reports:  CG stated that our Complete Streets Policy has been approved by the MA Dept. of Transportation, which makes us eligible for $50,000 in technical assistance funding and $400,000 in project costs.  In addition, we have been awarded $10,000 from Housing and Community Development for our housing needs and assessment plan.  He stated that we are reviewing the RFQ’s on the Community Center heating project and the Town beach project.  DR stated that there will be no tub parade this year, but that they will incorporate a tub parade into the 250th anniversary celebration.  WA reminded everyone about the Walkability audit occurring tomorrow.  EL stated that the Town received great paving bids; that the water supply is fine, but we could use some water.  He then mentioned the power outage that occurred, roiling up the water in some areas of town.  He stated that there was no health issue, and that it was similar to what occurs when hydrants are flushed.  KF stated that the Planning Board heard the proposal presented by Cranwell, with the board voting in favor of the project.  He also mentioned that the Environmental Committee would like to add a flyer explaining the plastic bag ban in with the water bills.  The Board will address this matter at their August 10 meeting.

By roll call, CG, EL, DR, WA and KF voted to go into Executive Session at 8:05pm to discuss strategy with respect to contract negotiations with non-union personnel (Police Chief, Fire Chief).

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen