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Selectmen's Minutes 07/13/2016

Minutes of Meeting – July 13, 2016; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Warren Archey; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; Ken Fowler.
MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of June 29.  4/0 vote with CG abstaining.

Consent Agenda:  A Hold was placed on the license requests for Birchwood Inn and permission to utilize Lilac Park at Apple Squeeze.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to approve a sandwich board sign for the Lenox Library; approve a temporary banner request from the Lenox Library for 8/15-22 to advertise their annual book sale; approve a Zero Tolerance Drug Policy for Safety Sensitive Positions, specifically COA employees.  5/0 vote.  DR asked the new owners of the Birchwood Inn to introduce themselves.  Following a brief introduction, MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to approve an innholders license and an entertainment license for television, radio, CD, recitals and readings to the Birchwood Inn.  5/0 vote.  EL stated that he is all for the Kids Park at Apple Squeeze on the Saturday; in fact, he would like to see it extended into Sunday.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to grant permission for the Morris Elementary School PTO to utilize Lilac Park for the Kids Park at Apple Squeeze on 9/24.  5/0 vote.

Complete Streets Policy:  The Board held a discussion at their June 29 meeting regarding the adoption of this policy.  It was agreed to review it further, and place it on this agenda for further action.  Town Planner Gwen Miller stated that the policy is substantially the same as the 6/29 version except for on page three where it states that the Town would not need to create a new committee but that a staff person could be utilized instead.  The Board questioned how this policy would affect private developments, to which Gwen stated that we should look at the zoning by-laws to make sure they go along with this policy.  They also questioned how this would affect state highways to which she stated that they have their own policies.  EL stated that he likes the fact that the Town can opt out at any time, and that this will make the Town eligible for grants.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to adopt the Complete Streets Policy as presented.  5/0 vote.

The Board agreed to appoint Ken Fowler as the Town’s alternate to the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission.  

Rest of River:  WA presented the Board with a draft letter to the Nature Conservancy regarding bio-remediation efforts.  He is hopeful that there may be another way to rid the river of the PCB’s rather than dredging.

Solar Projects:  KF stated that the ZBA has approved the Willow Creek landfill site application, and that the ConCom is expected to give their final approval on July 21.  

BOS Reports:  CG mentioned that the Town is receiving responses to RFQ’s for the Community Center Heating System and Town Beach projects.  He also mentioned that he has heard back from West Hamden County, UK regarding a sister city relationship.  DR stated that the Birchwood Inn was the first home built in Lenox, and he is happy that the new owners are willing to work with the 250th committee to incorporate it into the celebrations.  He reminded everyone that the library is currently hosting an artist’s guild, and that the VFW will be holding a lobster bake on 8/13 at St. Ann’s.  WA asked the members to check out the trees on Walker Street, and let him know if they see any that are dying or in need of attention.  EL updated the Board on the various DPW projects beginning:  Henry Avenue, Richmond Mountain Road, road paving.  KF reminded everyone that tax bills have been sent out, and that the Concerts in the Park series continue on Wednesday evenings at 6:30.  He then thanked Pignatelli Electric and the DPW for the installation of electric in the park.  The TM thanked the Berkshire International Film Festival and Greylock Credit Union for hosting the movie in the park Tuesday evening.  He also mentioned that a special Selectmen’s meeting is necessary sometime next week to make appointments and approve various contracts.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen