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Selectmen's Minutes 06/29/2016
Minutes of Meeting – June 29, 2016; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Warren Archey; Ed Lane; Dave Roche; Ken Fowler.   Absent:  Channing Gibson.

MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of June 15.  4/0 vote.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  
Sandwich Board Sign Request to Gateways Inn, 51 Walker Street; Sandwich Board Sign Request to Scott Barrow, 17 Housatonic Street; Donation acceptance to the Affordable Housing Trust; One-Day A/A License Request to IS 183 Art School of the Berkshires, 13 Willard Hill Road, Stockbridge @ Stonover Farm, 169 Undermountain Road for 7/7 from 7-11pm.  4/0 vote.

Richmond West Stockbridge Artist Guild Art Show:  Marcy Isaacson, co-chair for this event, came before the Board to explain in more detail what their specific sign requests were.  After some discussion, MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to grant permission for a temporary banner to be hung over the Welles Gallery beginning July 7-21, and to allow the erection of a straw person in front of the library; however, there will be no balloons allowed, and she will need to contact the state regarding the placement of signs on state-owned land.  4/0 vote.

MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to grant a One-Day W&M License Request to the Richmond West Stockbridge Artists Guild @ the Welles Gallery in the Lenox Library for 7/9 from 2-5pm.  4/0 vote.

The TM congratulated those involved in the Wild Thing 5K/10K run held in Kennedy Park this past weekend.  He then went through the various capital projects planned or currently underway in Town:  various paving jobs, heating system at the Community Center, Town beach improvements and new roofs for the central fire station and the Community Center.

Owners of the Bagel & Brew came before the Board seeking an Entertainment license to host a live band on Thursday evening, June 30 from 6-9pm under a tent in their outside garden area.  They explained that they are hosting a beer tasting event, and that the band will play soft rock music during this event.  They contacted the various residents living in the area, and found no opposition.  Following a brief discussion, MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to grant a one-day entertainment license for a live band to Bagel & Brew for Thursday, June 30 from 6-9pm as requested, with the TM and police chief monitoring the situation.  4/0 vote.

Complete Streets Policy:  Town Planner Gwen Miller appeared before the Board to share a draft of a Complete Streets Policy that she has been working on.  She explained that this policy would promote equity by providing safe forms of transportation for all residents, it furthers environmental stewardship by considering alternative transportation modes, and it furthers the local economy by investing in the built environment serving the many tourists and visitors to Lenox, providing safe and comfortable connectivity and recreational opportunities.  She went on to state that the purpose of this policy is to direct officials and staff in Lenox to consider the accommodation of all modes, users and abilities in the planning, design, operation and maintenance of streets and roads in Lenox.  She stated that she likes this policy as it allows for much discretion on the part of the town, and bounds us to nothing.  After a brief discussion, the Board agreed to place this item on their July 13 meeting agenda.

Library Update:  Amy Lefave gave her monthly update on activities occurring at the Library:  Tanglewood lecture series, annual book sale 8/19-21, and summer reading program.

Rest of River:  WA asked the other Board members if they would be willing to send a letter to the Nature Conservancy regarding bio-remediation efforts.  He feels that it is important that we try to neutralize the chemicals in the river rather than remove and place them elsewhere.  KF stated that if there is another way rather than dredging, he would be interested.

Solar Projects:  KF stated that he has spoken with Beth Greenblatt, and that Ameresco is doing their due diligence and pursuing the necessary permits to move forward.  They will appear before the ConCom on July 7 and the ZBA on July 6 for approval of the solar project at the landfill site.

BOS Reports:  WA stated that there are a few trees located on Walker Street that need attention.  EL stated that the DPW has several paving jobs out to bid, and that the Town looks really nice.  KF mentioned that real estate and personal property bills will be going out shortly.  He also reminded board and committee members to complete the ethics test.

By roll call, EL, DR, WA and KF voted to go into Executive Session at 8:20pm to discuss the Town’s strategy with respect to potential litigation.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen