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Selectmen's Minutes 06/01/2016
Minutes of Meeting – June 1, 2016; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Warren Archey; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche.  Absent:  Ken Fowler.  

MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of May 18.  4/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to appoint Mark Smith to the Historic District Commission, replacing Lucy Kennedy.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by CG, seconded by EL to grant a sandwich board sign to Laurie Donovan Designs at 81 Church Street.  4/0 vote.

Tri-Town Fitness Challenge:  Jim Wilusz from Tri-Town Health appeared before the Board and gave a brief overview as to what this challenge is all about.  He explained that this program is in conjunction with the Be Well Berkshires program.  He stated that the official launch will be June 3, and that the Wild Things event on 6/26 will start things off, ending with the Josh Billings Runaground in September.

Town Planner Gwen Miller gave a presentation and demonstration of the Town’s GIS system (Geographic Information System).  She went through its possible uses, how Lenox uses it, and future applications.

Rest of River:  The ROR Committee met on May 25.  WA and the TM attended.  WA stated that the committee is trying to determine the next best steps.

Solar Projects:  The contract with Ameresco on the Town’s landfill site has been signed.   They will be submitting paperwork seeking permitting from the Conservation Commission to keep the project moving forward.

BOS Reports: CG stated that the beach is open to the public 8am-6pm with no lifeguards.  The bathhouse will be open.  He mentioned an event recently held at the Heritage House in support of the Lenox Housing Trust, and he updated the Board on the CPC state match.  EL stated that the DPW is doing a good job, and that the Town looks good.  WA asked the other Board members if they would be willing to act as a Tree Committee.  DR thanked the VFW and the Middle School band for their efforts toward the Memorial Day parade.

By roll call, CG, EL, DR and WA voted to go into Executive Session at 8:10pm to discuss strategy with respect to negotiations with union and non-union personnel.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen