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Selectmen's Minutes 05/18/2016

Minutes of Meeting – May 18, 2016; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; Ken Fowler; Warren Archey.

EL stated he was glad that we had such a successful Town Meeting, followed by our Town election.  He then mentioned the two Memorial Day parades on May 30.

MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of May 4 and 9.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Frank Newton stated his concern with the farmer’s market being held in Roche Reading Park, and suggested Orebed Field.  Peter Arment also stated his many concerns with the farmer’s market being in the center of town:  bad location, they should have to pay more to use the park, wear and tear on the park, traffic and traffic control and parking.  EL explained that we do want people in town which is why having the market in downtown is so important.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  One-Day A/A license to Great Performances for 5/29 from 4pm-1am at The Mount; one-day A/A license to Mezze Catering for 6/25 from 4:30pm-midnight at The Mount in The Stable; one-day A/A license to Mezze Catering for 6/18 from 11pm-1am at The Mount in The Stable; one-day A/A license to Ventfort Hall for 5/27 from 5-11pm; one-day W&M license to Tim Blair for 6/11 from 2-6pm for a party at the Lenox Community Center; one-day W&M license to Ventfort Hall for 5/20 from 7-11pm; one-day W&M license to the Lenox Dale Fire Company for 5/27 from 5pm-midnight at the Lenox Dale Firehouse; one-day W&M license to Lenox VFW for 5/30 from 1-5pm at The Academy; accept monetary donations to the Fire Department; accept monetary donation to the Police Department; permission for the Church on the Hill to utilize a portion of Lilac Park just outside the doors of their chapel to offer a pancake breakfast on Saturday, May 28 as part of the Rhubarb Festival.  5/0 vote.

National Grid Public Hearing, Pole Locations:  National Grid came before the Board seeking permission to install two new stub poles and anchors off existing pole #12 in order to remove existing pole-to-tree guy wires, near house #68 East Dugway Road.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to open the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  There was a brief explanation by National Grid as to what they are wanting to do at the homeowners request.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to close the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to grant permission to National Grid to install two new stub poles and anchors off existing pole #12 in order to remove existing pole-to-tree guy wires, near house #68 East Dugway Road.  5/0 vote.

Librarian Amy Lafave updated the Board on current activities at the Library.  One item of importance she noted was that she is seeking a one-page sheet of shop information from the various businesses to be inserted into a binder for visitors to view; i.e., location, hours, etc.  She also stated that with the Visitor’s Center moving out of the Library, she is working on having the municipal map updated and available, and suggested that a copy be provided to the vendors of the farmer’s market so they are aware of where municipal parking areas are located. CG stated that he feels our parking signs blend in too well and would like to see them stand out more.

Farmer’s Market: KF stated that it is important to try new things in the hopes of bringing more people into town.  He went on to state that he realizes that there will be an impact, but that this is a provisional plan, and should bring new people into town.  He went on to state that if we need to look at our parking, then we will.  The other board members agreed, stating that the town needs to try this.  Kameron Spaulding from the Chamber stated that 86% of respondents to the Chamber survey are in favor of this location.  KF stated that once the market is up and running, he will check in with the library to see how it is working.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to grant permission for the farmer’s market to set up in Roche Reading Park on Friday afternoons from 1-5pm from Memorial Day through mid-September, on a one-year trial basis, subject to insurance, scheduling and public safety plans satisfactory to the TM and Police Chief.  5/0 vote.

Rest of River:  The ROR Committee will be meeting on May 25.  WA and the TM will attend and provide the Board with an update.  WA stated that it is important that we look at neutralization of PCB’s rather than moving them somewhere.  However, GE is not convinced that this is possible.

Solar Projects:  KF stated that at the May 9 BOS meeting, the Board approved a contract with Ameresco for a lease and power purchase agreement at the Willow Creek Road landfill project.  They will now begin the permitting process, and the project could start in the fall.

MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to appoint Warren Archey as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to appoint Ed Lane as Clerk of the Board of Selectmen.  5/0 vote.

BOS Reports:  KF reminded people that dog licenses are due.  CG mentioned that the Community Preservation Committee held a public hearing on May 16 to hear thoughts from interested individuals about the approaching new round of allocations.  The Committee received considerable input, with the interests mainly in recreation and housing.  He also stated that he spoke with the Town’s special counsel for the pipeline project.  He feels that the Town is in a good position right now, but he will keep his eyes open should anything change.  EL stated that he was very upset to learn that the LMMHS band will not be available to participate in the Memorial Day parades.  School Superintendent Tim Lee stated that for a variety of reasons – band not adequately prepared to participate, declining participation in band, scheduling conflicts (testing, concerts, athletic events, and senior exams), that the band would not be available.  As an alternative, however, he stated that the middle school band will march but not play while marching.  They are not at a point where they can march and play, so they will play at the end of the parade route only.  He went on to say that he is not happy with this situation, and that in the future these events will be a priority.  DR concurred with EL and the rest of the board.  He stated that the VFW works hard to offer scholarships to various seniors, and he feels as if this is a slap in the face for their efforts on behalf of the school.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen